Monographs Details:

Proctor, George R. 1989. Ferns of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 53: 1-389.


Species Description - Plants often gregarious, forming numerous tufts; rhizome short, erect, at apex bearing numerous narrowly lanceolate, delicately clathrate, denticulate scales. Fronds several to numerous, narrowly linear, widest above the middle and tapering very gradually toward both ends; costa grooved adaxially, prominent beneath; main veins few, longitudinal, connected distantly and irregularly by short transverse veinlets, the areoles narrow, unequal. Soral lines always one on either side of costa, continuous or nearly so.


Basionym. Vittaria intramarginahs Baker ex Jenman, J. Bot. 15: 266. 1877.

Type. Jenman 58, in 1877, from Jamaica (K).

Syn. Polytaenium lineatum var. intramarginale (Baker ex Jenman) Proctor, Amer. Fem J. 72: 114. 1982.

This plant has been treated as synonymous with P. lineatum (Tryon & Tryon, 1982) or as a variety of this species (Proctor, 1985). However, fieldwork in Puerto Rico since 1983 has convincingly demonstrated that this entity should be treated as a species in its own right, being perfectly uniform in its development, never intergrading with P. lineatum, and having an entirely allopatric distribution pattem involving different ecological parameters. The numerous collections n o w available fully support this view.


Costa Rica South America| Panama Central America|