Filed As:
Monstera steyermarkii G.S.Bunting ( isotype )
Monstera steyermarkii G.S.Bunting ( isotype )
Venezuela. Táchira. Carretera La Fría-La Grita, en Las Pavas, sitio al lado del caño Agua Caliente inmediatamente arriba del empalme con carretera San Cristóbal-La Fría. Alt. 200 - 250 m. (656 - 820 ft.)
Venezuela. Táchira. Carretera La Fría-La Grita, en Las Pavas, sitio al lado del caño Agua Caliente inmediatamente arriba del empalme con carretera San Cristóbal-La Fría. Alt. 200 - 250 m. (656 - 820 ft.)
Climber to 10 m; stem more or less smooth, ca 3 cm diam.; peduncle ca. 15 cm long, 2 cm thick; spadix greenish-gray (glaucous), 21.5 x 3.5 cm, stipe 1.5 cm long; fruits 10 cm long, 4-5 mm across. Phenology of specimen: See notes.
Climber to 10 m; stem more or less smooth, ca 3 cm diam.; peduncle ca. 15 cm long, 2 cm thick; spadix greenish-gray (glaucous), 21.5 x 3.5 cm, stipe 1.5 cm long; fruits 10 cm long, 4-5 mm across. Phenology of specimen: See notes.
Bosque siempreverde.
Bosque siempreverde.
Feature Notes:
See fertile specimen, NY bar-code 133890.
See fertile specimen, NY bar-code 133890.
Specimen Notes: 3 of 6, see NY barcodes 133890, 133891, 133893, 133894 & 133895.
Specimen Notes: 3 of 6, see NY barcodes 133890, 133891, 133893, 133894 & 133895.
NY Barcode: 133892
GUID: c0f70ccc-29b1-487b-b6fc-229947fb69ce
NY Barcode: 133892
GUID: c0f70ccc-29b1-487b-b6fc-229947fb69ce