Filed As:
Thunbergia alata Bojer ex Sims
Thunbergia alata Bojer ex Sims
Brazil. Espírito Santo. Domingos Martins Mun. Br 262 Km 44 na estrada lateral que liga Soido a Domingos Martins.
Brazil. Espírito Santo. Domingos Martins Mun. Br 262 Km 44 na estrada lateral que liga Soido a Domingos Martins.
Erva volúvel, suespontânia. Corola amarela-alaranjada com fauce negra. Phenology of specimen: Flower.
Erva volúvel, suespontânia. Corola amarela-alaranjada com fauce negra. Phenology of specimen: Flower.
Na orla da mata pluvial perturbada, à beira da estrada.
Na orla da mata pluvial perturbada, à beira da estrada.
NY Barcode: 498972
GUID: 970b3792-a8e5-4bd4-b3f2-965cf082b4f2
NY Barcode: 498972
GUID: 970b3792-a8e5-4bd4-b3f2-965cf082b4f2
Georeferencing Method: Other source (The coordinates represent the seat of the municipio.)
Coordinate Uncertainty(m): 48150
Geodetic Datum: SAD69
Coordinates: (-20.3633, -40.6592)
Georeferencing Method: Other source (The coordinates represent the seat of the municipio.)
Coordinate Uncertainty(m): 48150
Geodetic Datum: SAD69
Coordinates: (-20.3633, -40.6592)