Monographs Details:
Gleason, Henry A. & Cronquist, Arthur J. 1991. Manual of vascular plants of northeastern United States and adjacent Canada. lxxv + 910 pp.
Gleason, Henry A. & Cronquist, Arthur J. 1991. Manual of vascular plants of northeastern United States and adjacent Canada. lxxv + 910 pp.
Family Description - Fls perfect, hypogynous, sympetalous; cal ± deeply (4)5-lobed, or the lobes sometimes suppressed; cor from essentially regular to more often irregular, commonly bilabiate and (4)5- lobed; stamens on the cor-tube, alternate with the lobes, commonly 4 or 2 and paired, the missing (upper) member(s) sometimes represented by staminodes; ovary superior, bilocular, with a terminal style; placentation axile; ovules most commonly 2 in each locule, superposed or sometimes collateral, less often (Ruellia) several, each with a modified funiculus that is typically developed into a hook-shaped jaculator and functions in flinging out the seeds; fr an explosively dehiscent loculicidal capsule; seeds with a very thin testa (often becoming mucilaginous when wet) and large, dicotyledonous embryo, usually without endosperm; herbs or less often woody plants with simple, opposite, exstipulate lvs and often with showy fls. 250/2500.
Family Description - Fls perfect, hypogynous, sympetalous; cal ± deeply (4)5-lobed, or the lobes sometimes suppressed; cor from essentially regular to more often irregular, commonly bilabiate and (4)5- lobed; stamens on the cor-tube, alternate with the lobes, commonly 4 or 2 and paired, the missing (upper) member(s) sometimes represented by staminodes; ovary superior, bilocular, with a terminal style; placentation axile; ovules most commonly 2 in each locule, superposed or sometimes collateral, less often (Ruellia) several, each with a modified funiculus that is typically developed into a hook-shaped jaculator and functions in flinging out the seeds; fr an explosively dehiscent loculicidal capsule; seeds with a very thin testa (often becoming mucilaginous when wet) and large, dicotyledonous embryo, usually without endosperm; herbs or less often woody plants with simple, opposite, exstipulate lvs and often with showy fls. 250/2500.
Common Names:
The acanthus family
The acanthus family