Monographs Details:
Gleason, Henry A. & Cronquist, Arthur J. 1991. Manual of vascular plants of northeastern United States and adjacent Canada. lxxv + 910 pp.
Gleason, Henry A. & Cronquist, Arthur J. 1991. Manual of vascular plants of northeastern United States and adjacent Canada. lxxv + 910 pp.
Family Description - Fls perfect, hypogynous, sympetalous, mostly (incl. all ours) 5-merous; cal usually gamosepalous, with equal or unequal lobes, the tube often with alternating green ribs and hyaline intervals (between the lobes); cor regular in most genera (incl. all ours), its lobes convolute in bud; stamens as many as and alternate with the cor-lobes, borne on the tube, sometimes at differing levels; ovary superior, mostly tricarpellate and trilocular, with a terminal style and usually 3 separate stigmas; ovules 1– many in each locule, on axile placentas; fr usually a loculicidal capsule; embryo straight or slightly curved, usually spatulate, with 2 cotyledons; endosperm usually oily, seldom scanty or none; mostly (incl. all ours) herbaceous or merely suffrutescent; lvs exstipulate. 18/300, best developed in w. U.S.
Family Description - Fls perfect, hypogynous, sympetalous, mostly (incl. all ours) 5-merous; cal usually gamosepalous, with equal or unequal lobes, the tube often with alternating green ribs and hyaline intervals (between the lobes); cor regular in most genera (incl. all ours), its lobes convolute in bud; stamens as many as and alternate with the cor-lobes, borne on the tube, sometimes at differing levels; ovary superior, mostly tricarpellate and trilocular, with a terminal style and usually 3 separate stigmas; ovules 1– many in each locule, on axile placentas; fr usually a loculicidal capsule; embryo straight or slightly curved, usually spatulate, with 2 cotyledons; endosperm usually oily, seldom scanty or none; mostly (incl. all ours) herbaceous or merely suffrutescent; lvs exstipulate. 18/300, best developed in w. U.S.
Common Names:
The phlox family
The phlox family