Monographs Details:
Gleason, Henry A. & Cronquist, Arthur J. 1991. Manual of vascular plants of northeastern United States and adjacent Canada. lxxv + 910 pp.
Gleason, Henry A. & Cronquist, Arthur J. 1991. Manual of vascular plants of northeastern United States and adjacent Canada. lxxv + 910 pp.
Family Description - Fls small, regular, mostly hypogynous, perfect or more often unisexual, mostly 5-merous as to the sep, pet, and stamens, the sep generally connate below, the pet distinct or rarely wanting, the stamens alternate with (or twice as many as) the pet and generally seated outside the annular (often 5-lobed) nectary-disk; ovary mostly of 3 carpels, plurilocular or more often only one locule fully developed, the styles distinct or ± united; ovule solitary (or solitary in each locule), apotropous, in ours basal with a long funiculus; fr commonly drupaceous, with a ± resinous and sometimes waxy or oily mesocarp; seed with oily, curved or less often straight embryo and 2 expanded cotyledons, the endosperm scanty or none; woody plants with well developed resin-ducts (or latex-channels) at least in the bark; lvs mostly alternate and exstipulate, pinnately compound or trifoliolate, rarely simple. 60–80/600, mostly tropical.
Family Description - Fls small, regular, mostly hypogynous, perfect or more often unisexual, mostly 5-merous as to the sep, pet, and stamens, the sep generally connate below, the pet distinct or rarely wanting, the stamens alternate with (or twice as many as) the pet and generally seated outside the annular (often 5-lobed) nectary-disk; ovary mostly of 3 carpels, plurilocular or more often only one locule fully developed, the styles distinct or ± united; ovule solitary (or solitary in each locule), apotropous, in ours basal with a long funiculus; fr commonly drupaceous, with a ± resinous and sometimes waxy or oily mesocarp; seed with oily, curved or less often straight embryo and 2 expanded cotyledons, the endosperm scanty or none; woody plants with well developed resin-ducts (or latex-channels) at least in the bark; lvs mostly alternate and exstipulate, pinnately compound or trifoliolate, rarely simple. 60–80/600, mostly tropical.
Common Names:
The cashew family
The cashew family