Monographs Details:
Berg, Cornelius C. 1972. Olmedieae, Brosimeae (Moraceae). Fl. Neotrop. Monogr. 7: 1-229. (Published by NYBG Press)
Berg, Cornelius C. 1972. Olmedieae, Brosimeae (Moraceae). Fl. Neotrop. Monogr. 7: 1-229. (Published by NYBG Press)
Helianthostylis paraensis Ducke, Androstylanthus paraensis Ducke
Helianthostylis paraensis Ducke, Androstylanthus paraensis Ducke
Description - Shrubs or trees up to 15m tall; latex white to yellow (or brown). Leafy twigs 1-3 mm thick, white to brown puberulous to strigulose. Leaves (elliptic to) oblong to lanceolate, sometimes broadest above the middle, not or slightly inequilateral, 3-17 cm long, 1.5-6.5 cm broad, chartaceous to subcoriaceous, acuminate to caudate, at the base acute to obtuse; margin entire; above glabrous; beneath puberulous to strigulose, often also uncinate hairs; costa more or less impressed above, prominent beneath, other veins plane or nearly so above, prominent beneath, 5-12 pairs of secondary veins, without parallel tertiary veins; petioles 2-9 mm long, often with uncinate hairs; stipules 3-7 mm long, puberulous to strigulose, or subsericeous. Staminate inflorescences hemispherical to subglobose, 3-7 mm in diameter; peduncle 3-11 mm long, puberulous to short-velutinous, with or without uncinate hairs; staminate flowers numerous, often in groups of 2-5 together, sessile or short-pedicellate; perianth o.8-2.0 mm high, (3-)4-lobed to (3-)4-fid, puberulous, sometimes with a few uncinate hairs; stamens mostly 4, sometimes 3 or 5, filaments 1.0-2.2 mm long, anthers 0.4-0.5 mm long and o.3-0.4 mm broad, connectives rather broad, apiculate or not; pistillode (style) 0.5-20 mm long, unbranched or with 2 mostly unequal branches, puberulous: bracts at the base reniform to ovate, up to 2 mm long, otherwise oblong to linear, oblanceolate, subpeltate or peltate, 0.5-1.5 mm long, puberulous, often with uncinate hairs. Bisexual inflorescences subglobose to turbinate, 4-5 mm in diameter; peduncle 3-11 mm long, puberulous to short-velutinous, with or without uncinate hairs; receptacle brown puberulous with uncinate hairs or brown short-velutinous; pistillate flower one, style ca i mm long, stigmas up to 20 mm long, with irregularly shaped papillae on the lower end; staminate flowers few to several on the upper end of the receptacle; perianth 3-4-lobed; stamens 3-4; pistillode (style) up to 20 mm long, on the lower end often with short more or less irregularly shaped papillae, unbranched or with unequal branches; bracts several, scattered, oblong, subpeltate, or peltate. Infructescences globose, ca 2 cm in diameter, velutinous or hispid with dense uncinate hairs. Flowering probably throughout the year.
Description - Shrubs or trees up to 15m tall; latex white to yellow (or brown). Leafy twigs 1-3 mm thick, white to brown puberulous to strigulose. Leaves (elliptic to) oblong to lanceolate, sometimes broadest above the middle, not or slightly inequilateral, 3-17 cm long, 1.5-6.5 cm broad, chartaceous to subcoriaceous, acuminate to caudate, at the base acute to obtuse; margin entire; above glabrous; beneath puberulous to strigulose, often also uncinate hairs; costa more or less impressed above, prominent beneath, other veins plane or nearly so above, prominent beneath, 5-12 pairs of secondary veins, without parallel tertiary veins; petioles 2-9 mm long, often with uncinate hairs; stipules 3-7 mm long, puberulous to strigulose, or subsericeous. Staminate inflorescences hemispherical to subglobose, 3-7 mm in diameter; peduncle 3-11 mm long, puberulous to short-velutinous, with or without uncinate hairs; staminate flowers numerous, often in groups of 2-5 together, sessile or short-pedicellate; perianth o.8-2.0 mm high, (3-)4-lobed to (3-)4-fid, puberulous, sometimes with a few uncinate hairs; stamens mostly 4, sometimes 3 or 5, filaments 1.0-2.2 mm long, anthers 0.4-0.5 mm long and o.3-0.4 mm broad, connectives rather broad, apiculate or not; pistillode (style) 0.5-20 mm long, unbranched or with 2 mostly unequal branches, puberulous: bracts at the base reniform to ovate, up to 2 mm long, otherwise oblong to linear, oblanceolate, subpeltate or peltate, 0.5-1.5 mm long, puberulous, often with uncinate hairs. Bisexual inflorescences subglobose to turbinate, 4-5 mm in diameter; peduncle 3-11 mm long, puberulous to short-velutinous, with or without uncinate hairs; receptacle brown puberulous with uncinate hairs or brown short-velutinous; pistillate flower one, style ca i mm long, stigmas up to 20 mm long, with irregularly shaped papillae on the lower end; staminate flowers few to several on the upper end of the receptacle; perianth 3-4-lobed; stamens 3-4; pistillode (style) up to 20 mm long, on the lower end often with short more or less irregularly shaped papillae, unbranched or with unequal branches; bracts several, scattered, oblong, subpeltate, or peltate. Infructescences globose, ca 2 cm in diameter, velutinous or hispid with dense uncinate hairs. Flowering probably throughout the year.
The collections from ParĂ¡ (Rio Tapajoz) called H. paraensis by Ducke, are somewhat different from the others. The pistillode (style) is usually branched and the inflorescences do not bear uncinate hairs. These differences do not justify the distinction of a separate species, H. paraensis.
The collections from ParĂ¡ (Rio Tapajoz) called H. paraensis by Ducke, are somewhat different from the others. The pistillode (style) is usually branched and the inflorescences do not bear uncinate hairs. These differences do not justify the distinction of a separate species, H. paraensis.
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