Monographs Details:
Berg, Cornelius C. 1972. Olmedieae, Brosimeae (Moraceae). Fl. Neotrop. Monogr. 7: 1-229. (Published by NYBG Press)
Berg, Cornelius C. 1972. Olmedieae, Brosimeae (Moraceae). Fl. Neotrop. Monogr. 7: 1-229. (Published by NYBG Press)
Perebea tessmannii var. ulei Mildbr.
Perebea tessmannii var. ulei Mildbr.
Description - Dioecious trees. Leafy twigs 2-7 mm thick, yellow subsericeous to substrigose to hirsute. Leaves elliptic to oblong, broadest near the lower end, slightly inequilateral, 10-27 cm long, 6-14 cm broad, subcoriaceous to chartaceous, acuminate, subcordate to deeply cordate with overlapping lobes at the base, entire (to repand), glabrescent above, sericeous or hirsute on the veins, otherwise puberulous beneath; veins nearly plane above, prominent beneath, 14-22 pairs of secondary veins, most tertiary veins parallel; petioles 4-15 mm long; stipules 1.5-2.5 cm long, yellow sericeous. Staminate inflorescences 8-15 mm in diameter; peduncle 13-17 mm long, bracteate towards the apex; involucre with ca 30-70 deltoid to subovate, acuminate to acute, subsericeous bracts in 4-5 series; perianth 1.2-2.0 mm high, 4-fid to 4-parted, membranaceous, hirtellous to puberulous; stamens (3-)4, filaments 1.7-2.2 mm long, basally connate, anthers ca 0.4 mm long, o.2-0.4 mm broad, apiculate or not.
Description - Dioecious trees. Leafy twigs 2-7 mm thick, yellow subsericeous to substrigose to hirsute. Leaves elliptic to oblong, broadest near the lower end, slightly inequilateral, 10-27 cm long, 6-14 cm broad, subcoriaceous to chartaceous, acuminate, subcordate to deeply cordate with overlapping lobes at the base, entire (to repand), glabrescent above, sericeous or hirsute on the veins, otherwise puberulous beneath; veins nearly plane above, prominent beneath, 14-22 pairs of secondary veins, most tertiary veins parallel; petioles 4-15 mm long; stipules 1.5-2.5 cm long, yellow sericeous. Staminate inflorescences 8-15 mm in diameter; peduncle 13-17 mm long, bracteate towards the apex; involucre with ca 30-70 deltoid to subovate, acuminate to acute, subsericeous bracts in 4-5 series; perianth 1.2-2.0 mm high, 4-fid to 4-parted, membranaceous, hirtellous to puberulous; stamens (3-)4, filaments 1.7-2.2 mm long, basally connate, anthers ca 0.4 mm long, o.2-0.4 mm broad, apiculate or not.
Pistillate inflorescences not seen. According to Mildbraed (1927) they are discoid to broadly turbinate, 1.5 cm in diameter; involucre with broadly orbiculate to ovate to triangular, acuminate to acute, subsericeous to tomentellous bracts extending to the peduncle; perianth urceolate, 5 mm high, with 4 narrow lobes, velutinous to setose at the base; styles subsericeous, stigmas linguiform, 1.5 mm long, 0.75 mm broad, acute.P. tessmannii closely resembles P. guianensis in its vegetative parts. It can be distinguished by the involucral bracts which extend to the upper part of the peduncle, and the basally connate filaments.The distinction of two varieties on the basis of differences in the indument is untenable.
Pistillate inflorescences not seen. According to Mildbraed (1927) they are discoid to broadly turbinate, 1.5 cm in diameter; involucre with broadly orbiculate to ovate to triangular, acuminate to acute, subsericeous to tomentellous bracts extending to the peduncle; perianth urceolate, 5 mm high, with 4 narrow lobes, velutinous to setose at the base; styles subsericeous, stigmas linguiform, 1.5 mm long, 0.75 mm broad, acute.P. tessmannii closely resembles P. guianensis in its vegetative parts. It can be distinguished by the involucral bracts which extend to the upper part of the peduncle, and the basally connate filaments.The distinction of two varieties on the basis of differences in the indument is untenable.
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