Monographs Details:

Hitchcock, Albert S. 1927. The grasses of Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia. Contr. U. S. Natl. Herb. 24: i-xx, 291-556.

Scientific Name:


Description - Spikelets 1-flowered, the rachilla prolonged behind the palea as a short, commonly hairy bristle; glumes about equal, acute or acuminate; lemma usually shorter and more delicate than the glumes, usually awned, the awn dorsal ; callus pilose, the hairs few and short or as long as the lemma.


The central Andean species of Calamagrostis {Deyeuxia) were studied by Weddell. 22 His paper consists of a key to species and an aphabetical list of the species with the specimens assigned to them. There are no formal descriptions. Until the type specimens have been examined the following species of Deyeuxia proposed by Weddell must remain uncertain: D. anthoxanthum (Bolivia, Weddell). D. breviaristata (Peru, Weddell). D. capitata (Bolivia, D'Orbigny 178; Weddell). D. cephalotes (Bolivia, Weddell). D. festucoides (Bolivia, Weddell). D. gracilis (Bolivia, Weddell). Calamagrostis gracilis! Henr. Med. Rijks Herb. Leiden 40: 61. 1921. Not C. gracilis Seenus, 1805. D. lagurus (Bolivia, D'Orbigny 200; Weddell). D. leiopoda (Bolivia, Weddell). Stylagrostis leiopoda Mez, Bot. Arcliiv Mez 1: 20. 1922. D. longiaristata (Bolivia, Mandon 1298). Calamagrostis longiaristata Hack. ; Sodiro, Anal. Univ. Quito 8. 1889. D. mutica (Bolivia, D'Orbigny 182). D. nematophylla (Bolivia, Mandon 1300), D. obtusata (Bolivia, Mandon 1311). D. picta (Bolivia, Mandon 1297). D. polystachya (Peru, Weddell). Stylagrostis polystachya Mez. Bot. Arcliiv Mez 1: 20. 1922. D. scabriuscula (Peru, Weddell). D. setifilora (Bolivia, Weddell). D. spruceana (Ecuador, Jameson). Calamagrostis spruceana Hack.; Sodiro, Anal. Univ. Quito 8. 1889. D. subsimilis (Bolivia, Weddell). D. sulcata (Bolivia, Mandon 1308 bis). D. trichodonta (Peru, Weddell).