Monographs Details:

Acevedo-Rodríguez, Pedro. 2005. Vines and climbing plants of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. Contr. U. S. Natl. Herb. 51: 1-483.

Scientific Name:


Description - Herbaceous or woody vines that climb by means of axillary tendrils. Leaves alternate, simple, entire or palmately lobed; petioles usually with extrafloral nectaries; stipules usually small and deciduous. Flowers usually large and showy, bisexual or less frequently unisexual, actinomorphic, produced in axillary cymes or solitary, sometimes covered at the base by an involucre offoliaceous bracts; hypanthium short or tubular; calyx of (3-)5(-8) sepals, free or connate at the base. Petals as numerous as the sepals, alternating with them, rarely absent; corona of 1 or several whorls of free or connate appendages; stamens (4)5, the filaments free or on a stipe (androgynophore), the anthers dehiscent by longitudinal valves; ovary superior, usually on a gynophore, or rarely sessile, unilocular, with (2)3(-5) carpels, the lacentation parietal, with numerous ovules, the styles 3, free or connate at the base, the stigmas capitate or oblanceolate. Fruit a berry or less frequently a capsule. A genus of 400 species, 350 of these native to tropical America, the rest to the paleotropics.