Monographs Details:

New York Botanical Garden. Herbarium of Dr. Per Axel Rydberg. Purchased, 1899. Contributions from the New York Botanical Garden.

Scientific Name:

Prunus cuthbertii Small

Species Description - A tree 6 m. tall and sometimes 1.5 dm. in diameter near the base, with tomentose twigs. Leaf-blades leathery, normally obovate, varying to oval or fiddle-shaped, 4-9 cm. long, blunt or notched at the apex, shallowy serrate, not markedly biglandular at the often cuneate base, dull green above, pale or glaucescent beneath, the midrib and petioles copiously tomentose and the lateral veins slightly so: racemes 5-8 cm. long, terminating short leafy branches, the rachis and pedicels pubescent like the twigs: pedicels clavate, 3—5 mm. long during anthesis, becoming 8 -11 mm. long: sepals broader than long, obtuse, shorter than the hypanthium : petals suborbicular, about 2 mm. in diameter, crisped: drupes subglobose, mostly 8-9 mm. in diameter, red.


A relative of Priimis scrotina differing in the decidedly obovate blunt leaf-blades and the tomentose glandless petioles and tomentose veins of the blades and the similarly pubescent racemes. The flowers are smaller and the very blunt sepals are much broader than the acute sepals of P. serotina. The fruit also furnishes a character in its decidedly red color. The original specimens were collected by Mr. A. Cuthbert in the vicinity of Augusta, Georgia, on July 17, 1898, and June 2, 1899. Type in the herbarium of the New York Botanical Garden.


Georgia United States of America North America|