Monographs Details:

Britton, Nathaniel L. & Millspaugh, Charles F. 1920. The Bahama Flora.

Scientific Name:


Description - Herbs, shrubs or trees, with alternate, often stellate-pubescent leaves, the flowers regular, mostly perfect, in a few genera polygamous or unisexual, clustered or rarely solitary, usually axillary. Calyx deeply 5-cleft, usually persistent, the lobes or sepals valvate. Petals 5, hypogynous, or wanting. Stamens 5 or more; filaments more or less united below into a cup or tube; anthers mostly 2-celled, extrorse; staminodia present in some genera. Ovary superior, 2-5-celled, or sometimes monoearpellary; styles usually as many as the ovary-cavities, distinct or more or less united. Fruit mostly capsular or follicular, rarely indehiscent. Seeds various, the cotyledons commonly' foliaceous. About 45 genera and over 600 species, mostly tropical.