Monographs Details:

Britton, Nathaniel L. & Millspaugh, Charles F. 1920. The Bahama Flora.

Scientific Name:


Species Description - Erect or climbing shrubs, or small trees, often thorny. Leaves simple, stipulate, mainly alternate, often 3-5-nerved. Stipules small, deciduous. Inflorescence commonly of cymes or panicles. Flowers small, regular, perfect or polygamous. Calyx-limb 4-5-toothed or 4-5-lobed. Petals 4-5, inserted on the calyx, or none. Stamens 4-5, inserted with the petals and opposite them; anthers short, versatile. Disk fleshy. Ovary sessile. free from or immersed in the disk, 2-5- (often 3-) celled; ovules 1 or 2 in each cavity, anatropous. Fruit often 3-celled. Seeds solitary in the cavities, erect; endosperm fleshy, rarely none; embryo lai'ge; cotyledons flat. About 50 genera and 600 species, of temperate and warm regions.