Monographs Details:
Britton, Nathaniel L. & Millspaugh, Charles F. 1920. The Bahama Flora.
Britton, Nathaniel L. & Millspaugh, Charles F. 1920. The Bahama Flora.
Description - Annual or perennial herbs or shrubs, the stems often diffuse at the base; the branches prostrate or ascending, forking. Leaves opposite, inequilateral, more or less oblique at the base, entire or toothed; stipules minute, entire or lacerate. Inflorescence solitary or capitulate, axillary and terminal; involucre toothed, glandular on the margin; glands 4, naked or appendaged (the 5th gland represented by a sulcus in the margin of the involucral tube). Capsule more or less globose, 3-eoecous, the cocci sharply angled or rounded; seeds minute, ovoid or elongated-ovoid, more or less quadrangular, the facets smooth or transversely ridged. [Greek, ground fig.] About 225 species, widely distributed. Type species: Chamaesyce maritima S. F. Gray.
Description - Annual or perennial herbs or shrubs, the stems often diffuse at the base; the branches prostrate or ascending, forking. Leaves opposite, inequilateral, more or less oblique at the base, entire or toothed; stipules minute, entire or lacerate. Inflorescence solitary or capitulate, axillary and terminal; involucre toothed, glandular on the margin; glands 4, naked or appendaged (the 5th gland represented by a sulcus in the margin of the involucral tube). Capsule more or less globose, 3-eoecous, the cocci sharply angled or rounded; seeds minute, ovoid or elongated-ovoid, more or less quadrangular, the facets smooth or transversely ridged. [Greek, ground fig.] About 225 species, widely distributed. Type species: Chamaesyce maritima S. F. Gray.