Monographs Details:

Leonard, Emery C. 1951. The Acanthaceae of Colombia, I. Contr. U. S. Natl. Herb. 31: 1-117.

Scientific Name:


Description - Tall vines; sterns herbaceous, or shrubby at base; leaves opposite, petioled, entire, pinnately veined; flowers axillary, 1 to several or occasionally many in each axil, each flower borne on a slender pedicel and subtended by 2 bracts, these flat or keeled, more or less connate; calyx short, annular or copular, often membranous, usually glabrous; corolla tubular or funnelform, usually expanded at the base, the throat often oblique, the lobes reflexed or spreading; stamens 4, included, didynamous, the filaments short, the anthers linear-lanceolate, usually flat and acute at apex, lobed at base, the lobes more or less unequal, glandular-puberulent at tip; disk annular; ovary oblique, compressed, lenticular; style filiform, the stigma 2-lobed; fruit an ovoid, compressed drupe, often oblique at tip, the endocarp hard and bony, the mesocarp fleshy or pulpy; seeds 1 or 2.