Monographs Details:

Leonard, Emery C. 1951. The Acanthaceae of Colombia, I. Contr. U. S. Natl. Herb. 31: 1-117.

Scientific Name:


Description - Herbs, shrubs, or small trees; leaves simple, opposite, exstipulate; flowers irregular to nearly regular, perfect; calyx persistent, inferior, the segments 5 or occasionally fewer; corolla gamopetalous, the limb 5-lobed or 2-lipped (rarely 1-lipped); stamens 4, didynamous, or 2 only ; staminodes often present in the 2-stamened flowers; anther sacs 2 or 1, longitudinally dehiscent; ovary 2-celled, the ovules 2 to 10 in each cavity; style filiform, simple; stigmas 1 or 2; fruit a capsule (drupaceous in Mendoncia), 2-celled, 2-valved; seeds usually flat, borne on retinacula which are papilliform in a few genera but usually hook-shaped, the testa smooth or roughened, often mucilaginous when moistened.