Monographs Details:

Gleason, Henry A. & Cronquist, Arthur J. 1991. Manual of vascular plants of northeastern United States and adjacent Canada. lxxv + 910 pp.

Scientific Name:

Smilax walteri Pursh

Species Description - Slender woody vine, unarmed except for a few small, flat, slightly recurved prickles at base; lvs deciduous, firm, shining above, ovate or triangular-ovate or lance-triangular, 7–12 cm, acute or obtuse, entire, 3- or 5-nerved, prominently reticulate; peduncles flattened, about equaling the subtending petioles; staminate tep 6 mm, broadly recurved; frs red, few in a cluster, 7–9 mm, 1–3- seeded; 2n=32. Swamps and wet woods; Md. to n. Fla., w. to La. May.