Monographs Details:
Prance, Ghillean T. 1972. Chrysobalanaceae. Fl. Neotrop. Monogr. 9: 1-410. (Published by NYBG Press)
Prance, Ghillean T. 1972. Chrysobalanaceae. Fl. Neotrop. Monogr. 9: 1-410. (Published by NYBG Press)
Description - Tree to 30.0 m tall, occasionally slightly buttressed, the young branches hispid or puberulous, soon becoming glabrous. Leaves elliptic-orbicular to oblong-lanceolate coriaceous, 4.5-22.0 cm long, 2.0-10.0 cm broad, most frequently rounded at apex but varying from retuse to acute or bluntly acuminate, rounded to cuneate or rarely subcordate at base, glabrous on both surfaces; midrib prominulous above, glabrous; primary veins 6-14 pairs, plane or nearly so above, prominent beneath; petioles 2.0-12.0 mm long, glabrous when mature, usually shallowly canaliculate, less often terete, most frequently bearing two protruding prominent medial glands, rarely eglandular. Stipules 1.5-3.5 mm long, membraneous, subpersistent or caducous, linear. Inflorescences terminal and subterminal racemose panicles, the rachis and branches puberulous to tomentellous. Flowers 1.5-3.0 mm long, in small groups along primary and secondary branches of inflorescence, sessile or subsessile. Bracts and bracteoles o.3-2.0 mm long, linear to ovate, persistent. Receptacle campanulate, tomentellous to tomentose on exterior, tomentose within. Calyx lobes acute, puberulous on both surfaces. Petals 5, pubescent. Stamens 5-7, inserted in a complete circle; filaments shorter than calyx lobes, free to base. Ovary inserted at base of receptacle, lanate to short-pubescent. Style rising to base of anthers, pubescent. Fruit round to oblong; epicarp smooth or less frequently markedly costate, velutinous-pubescent or glabrous and verrucose; mesocarp thin, fleshy; endocarp very thin, granular, hard, glabrous within.
Description - Tree to 30.0 m tall, occasionally slightly buttressed, the young branches hispid or puberulous, soon becoming glabrous. Leaves elliptic-orbicular to oblong-lanceolate coriaceous, 4.5-22.0 cm long, 2.0-10.0 cm broad, most frequently rounded at apex but varying from retuse to acute or bluntly acuminate, rounded to cuneate or rarely subcordate at base, glabrous on both surfaces; midrib prominulous above, glabrous; primary veins 6-14 pairs, plane or nearly so above, prominent beneath; petioles 2.0-12.0 mm long, glabrous when mature, usually shallowly canaliculate, less often terete, most frequently bearing two protruding prominent medial glands, rarely eglandular. Stipules 1.5-3.5 mm long, membraneous, subpersistent or caducous, linear. Inflorescences terminal and subterminal racemose panicles, the rachis and branches puberulous to tomentellous. Flowers 1.5-3.0 mm long, in small groups along primary and secondary branches of inflorescence, sessile or subsessile. Bracts and bracteoles o.3-2.0 mm long, linear to ovate, persistent. Receptacle campanulate, tomentellous to tomentose on exterior, tomentose within. Calyx lobes acute, puberulous on both surfaces. Petals 5, pubescent. Stamens 5-7, inserted in a complete circle; filaments shorter than calyx lobes, free to base. Ovary inserted at base of receptacle, lanate to short-pubescent. Style rising to base of anthers, pubescent. Fruit round to oblong; epicarp smooth or less frequently markedly costate, velutinous-pubescent or glabrous and verrucose; mesocarp thin, fleshy; endocarp very thin, granular, hard, glabrous within.