Monographs Details:

Prance, Ghillean T. 1972. Chrysobalanaceae. Fl. Neotrop. Monogr. 9: 1-410. (Published by NYBG Press)


Moquilea humilis (Cham. & Schltdl.) Hook.f., Chrysobalanus humilis (Cham. & Schltdl.) Kuntze, Chrysobalanus sublanatus Kuntze, Licania ulei Taub.

Description - Low tree or shrub to 6.0 m tall, the young stems densely tomentellous, with thick corky bark. Leaves ovate-elliptic to oblong, thick-coriaceous, 4.0-10.5 cm long, 2.5-6.5 cm wide, rounded, obtuse, or bluntly acuminate at apex, with acumen 0-8.0 mm long, rounded to subcuneate at base, glabrous and shining on upper surface, stomatal cavities on lower surface, the rounded veins describing open cavities filled with lanate pubescence; midrib prominent above, lanate when young; primary veins 7-10 pairs, prominent below; petioles 2.0-6.0 mm long, densely tomentose, terete, eglandular. Stipules linear, to 4.0 mm long, tomentose, caducous. Inflorescences paniculate, the rachis and branches brown-tomentose. Flowers ca 3.0 mm long, in sessile clusters on primary branches of inflorescence. Bracts and bracteoles ovate to lanceolate, 1.0-2.0 mm long, persistent, entire or with one or two small teeth on each side. Receptacle campanulate, sessile, tomentose on exterior, villous-tomentose within. Calyx lobes acute, tomentose on exterior, tomentose to puberulous within. Petals absent. Stamens 9-12, inserted in a complete circle; filaments far exceeding calyx lobes, free to base, glabrous. Ovary inserted at base of receptacle, villous. Style pilose for most of length, equalling filaments. Fruit ovoid, 2.0-2.5 cm long, 1.3-2.0 cm broad; epicarp smooth, glabrous, drying black; mesocarp thick, fleshy; endocarp thin, fragile, sparsely hirsute within.


Pilger, in his description of L. ulei, mentioned that it differs from L. humilis in the verruculose branches, the venation of the upper surface of the lamina, and the tomentose calyx lobes. In light of the further material studied there is no correlation or consistency in the above characters, and I have therefore reduced L. ulei to synonymy. L. humilis is the most distinctive species of this section of Licania. It is a gnarled shrub or small tree of the cerrado with distinct thick corky bark and cinereous pubescence on the young branches. It has much more open stomatal cavities than other related species.

Flowering March to September.


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Common Names:

Marmelito do campo