Monographs Details:

Maguire, Bassett. 1972. The botany of the Guayana Highland--part IX. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 23: 1-832.


Distribution and Ecology - Distribution. French and British Guiana, and eastern Venezuela. FRENCH GUIANA. Martin s n (isosyntype of Chiococca erubescens Wernh.); Rudge Herb, s n. VENEZUELA. Bolívar: Gran Sabana, stream tributary to Río Kukenan, at base of Mount Roraima, alt 1185-1280 m, 24 Sep 1944, Steyermark 58556; Arabupu, slopes of Roraima, alt 1275 m, 1 Jan 1928, Tate 261; desde El Dorado hacia al este, camino al Cerro Paujil, campo km 92, alt 500 m, 27 Mar 1956, Bernardi 2975; same locality, 28 Mar, Bernardi 2986; Roraima, Schomburgk 728; "Guiana," 1840, Schomburgk 1055 (type of Chiococca nitida); 105 km de El Dorado hacia Santa Elena, 1 Jan 1957, Foldats 2790; Kavanayen, 30 May 1946, Lasser 1926; selva de Aparuma, 30 May 1946, Lasser 1924; Altiplanicie de Nuria, along trail between end of savanna east of Hato de Nuria and Quebrada Agua Linda, alt 540 m, 18 Jul 1960, Steyermark 86479; Altiplanicie de Nuria, summit of W-facing wooded escarpment, E of Miamo, leading to Hato de Nuria, alt 500-600 m, 16 Jan 1961, Steyermark 88584; Km 109, carretera El Dorado-Sta. Elena de Uairen, 16, 20 Aug 1957, Trujillo 3583, 3603; Km 107, carretera El Dorado-Sta. Elena de Uairen, alt 560 m, 13 Aug 1957, Trujillo 3543.


Chiococca nitida Benth., Hook. Jour. Bot. 3: 236. 1841.

Chiococca erubescens Wernh., Jour. Bot. 51: 322. 1913, excl, specimen of Funcke & Schlim 149.

Type. Guiana, 1840, Schomburgk 1055.

Bentham erroneously described the corolla shape as “fere campanulata,” since an examination of the type collection shows a broadly infundibuliform corolla 8 mm long with a tube 6 mm long and 4-4.5 mm wide at the summit, and the other collections of this taxon repeatedly have a subcylindric to elongate infundibuliform shape.

As indicated above under the discussion of C. naiguatensis Steyerm., Wernham's description of C. erubescens applies mainly to the two specimens cited by him (Martin s n and Herb. Rudge), and I have selected the Martin specimen as lectotype (K) for that binomial, synonymous with C. nitida var nitida. The fruiting specimen at K of Martin s n, indicated by Sandwith as “isosyntype coll.,” is well matched in its foliage and length of the infructescence by Steyermark 88584. It is to be noted that a similar development of granular excrescences or granular-pulverulence is prevalent over the surface of the calyx tube and hypanthium on the Martin specimens at K, the Schomburgk 1055 collection at K, and material collected subsequently here referred to C. nitida var nitida.


French Guiana South America| Guyana South America| Venezuela South America|