Maguire, Bassett. 1972. The botany of the Guayana Highland--part IX. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 23: 1-832.
Latin Diagnosis - Frutex vel arbuscula 3-5-metralis, ramis glabris; stipulis depresso-deltoideo-sub-orbicularibus in acumen 1 mm longum desinentibus 6 × 2.5 mm glabris; foliis petiolatis, petiolis 6-12 mm longis glabris; laminis subcoriaceis vel firme membranaceis oblongo-ellipticis vel elliptico-oblongis apice plerumque obtuse acuminatis raro obtuse acutis basi subcuneatim acutis 9.5-15 × 3-5.5 cm utrinque glabris, nervis lateralibus utroque latere 5-6 ante marginem 3-7 mm terminantibus; inflorescentiis ut videtur terminalibus vel ad axillas supremas pedunculatis, pedunculo 3-6 cm longo glabro vel puberulo, rhachidi in anthesi 2.5-3.5 cm longa in fructu 2.5-5.5 cm longa glabra vel puberulenti; inflorescentiae axibus lateralibus vulgo duobus brevibus in anthesi 1-2 cm longis in fructu ad 2.5 cm longis simpliciter racemosis (1-)2-5-floris, rhachidi centrali terminali 6-11-flora; floribus relative dissitis irregulariterque dispositis, pedicellis in anthesi 2-4 mm longis in fructu 3-5 mm longis glabris vel puberulentibus; calyce hypanthioque 4-5 mm longo, hypanthio oblongo-subcylindrico 2-4 × 1.5-2 mm minute papillato-pulverulenti vel dense puberuli vel glabrato; calycis tubo 2 × 0.5 mm glabro, lobis quinque suborbicularibus late rotundatis vel subtruncatis 1 × 0.5 mm manifeste dense ciliatis utrinque glabris; corolla cylindrica viridi purpurascenti albidaque 12-16 mm longa, tubo 10-13 × 3-3.5 mm 5-costato extus glabro intus parte basilari 3 mm pilosulo ceterum glabro, lobis quinque late ovatis rotundatis 1.5-2 × 1.7 mm marginibus involutis; staminibus fere faucem attingentibus, antheris linearibus 5 mm longis, filamentis 5-5.5 mm longis dimidio inferiore pilosulis; fructu ovoideo-elliptico vel elliptico-ovoideo 8-13 × 5-9 mm glabro.
Distribution and Ecology - Distribution. Coastal Cordillera of Venezuela. D.F.: Cerro Naiguata, laderas pendientes del lado del mar que miran hacia el norte, arriba del pueblo de Naiguata, Lomas de Las Delicias, entre Quebrada de Basenilla y Quebrada Guayoyo, 9-12 km suroeste de Hacienda Cocuizal, alt 1000-1300 m, 15-19 Nov 1963, Steyermark 91990, 92128; same locality, 4 Oct 1965, Manara s n. Aragua: prope Colonia Tovar, alt 1515 m, 1856-57, Fendler 1991; alt 1212 m, Fendler 2604. Without definite locality: 1845, Funcke & Schlim 149.
Type. Cerro Naiguata, selva nublada, laderas pendientes que miran al norte, Loma de Las Delicias hacia Quebrada Caja de Agua, oeste de Hacienda Cocuizal, Distrito Federal, Venezuela, alt 1400 m, 8 Oct 1966, shrub 2-3 m; calyx pale green; fruit lavender, 12-13 mm long, 8-9 mm wide, subcompressed; leaves subcoriaceous, dark green and shining above, dull green below, Julian A. Steyermark 97475 (holotype VEN, isotype NY).
The distinctive characters of this taxon are the elongated cylindric, lavender and white corolla of 12-16 mm length, the conspicuously ciliate, suborbicular calyx lobes broadly rounded or subtruncate, the usually papillate-pulverulent hypanthium, and the relatively few lateral nerves (5-6 each side).
In his description of C. erubescens, Wernham (Jour. Bot. 51: 322. 1913) cited three specimens, two of which (Rudge and Martin of the Guianas) must be placed with C. nitida Benth., while the third (Funcke & Schlim 149) must be referred to C. naiguatensis. The Funcke & Schlim collection has the ciliolate rounded calyx lobes, puberulent pedicels and rachis, papillate-puberulent, elongated hypanthium, and leaf blades with 7 lateral nerves on each side. Since Wernham’s description of C. erubescens applies mainly to the Rudge and Martin specimens cited by him, and synonymous with C. nitida Benth., the Funcke & Schlim collection is to be regarded as an extraneous element excluded from C. erubescens. Standley’s concept of C. erubescens likewise included mixed elements, the Fendler 1991 and 2064 collections now referred to C. naiguatensis, and the Fendler 1035 now referred to C. pubescens Willd. ex R. & S.