Monographs Details:

Maguire, Bassett. 1972. The botany of the Guayana Highland--part IX. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 23: 1-832.


Distribution and Ecology - Distribution. Rather widespread in northern South America, usually in the understory of dense forests on well-drained more or less sandy soils, often hill-sides or mountain-slopes up to about 1000 m elevation. GUYANA. Western extremity of Kanuku Mountains, Takutu R., alt 600 m, A. C. Smith 3181 (K, U, US). VENEZUELA. Edo Bolivar: Quebrada O-paru-ma, tributary of Rio Pacairao, below Santa Teresita de Kavanayen, alt 915-1065 m, Steyermark 60542 (F).


Lectotype. Barbosa Rodr., Sert. Palm. Bras. 2: t 23. 1903.

Bactris monticola is also a rather variable species, a variation which is at least partly the result of different stages of development. Two specimens from the Guayana Highland, A. C. Smith 3181 and Steyermark 60542, are the types of B. longicuspis and B. kamarupa, respectively, but they cannot be separated from B. monticola.


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