Monographs Details:

Koyama, Tetsuo M. 1966. The systematic significance of leaf structure in the Cyperaceae-Mapanieae. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 15: 136-159.


Species Description - Structure resembling that of Hypolytrum nudum, differing from it in the following particulars: median adaxial surface consisting of 2-layered swollen translucent cells, the cells of epidermal layer round to transversely oval, the median hypodermal cells (Fig. 12, b) 4 to 6, oblong or bulliform; adaxial hypodermis 2- or in part 3-layered, the component cells round-hexagonal or round-pentagonal, tending to be oblong or bulliform above vascular sclerenchyma; abaxial hypodermis 1-layered, scarcely sclerified except on both sides of abaxial median costa; abaxial girders supporting lateral costal vascular bundles deeply crescentiform with extended margins.


Note. Of all Mapanioid species examined H. strictum is the only example in which some of swollen dermal cells are bulliform. H. spongiosum, which is not described here, also exhibits a structure similar to those of both H. nudum and H. strictum, but its median adaxial translucent cells are narrowly rectangular.