Monographs Details:
Schweinfurth, Charles. 1967. Orchidaceae of the Guayana Highland. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 14: 69-214.
Schweinfurth, Charles. 1967. Orchidaceae of the Guayana Highland. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 14: 69-214.
Distribution and Ecology - State of Bolivar, Vecindades del salto en la ladera escarpada de arenisca, a lo largo del afluente Este del Rio Venamo, en bosque enano sobre el hombrillo superior, 1400-1450 m alt., epiphyte on tree along quebrada leading to waterfall, leaves erect, rich green, 2 cm wide, rachis and bracts maroon, sepals wine-purple with pale green margins 2-2.5 m wide, January 3, 1964, Steyermark & Dunsterville 92641 (no flowers seen).
Distribution and Ecology - State of Bolivar, Vecindades del salto en la ladera escarpada de arenisca, a lo largo del afluente Este del Rio Venamo, en bosque enano sobre el hombrillo superior, 1400-1450 m alt., epiphyte on tree along quebrada leading to waterfall, leaves erect, rich green, 2 cm wide, rachis and bracts maroon, sepals wine-purple with pale green margins 2-2.5 m wide, January 3, 1964, Steyermark & Dunsterville 92641 (no flowers seen).
or Stelis sp.
or Stelis sp.
Venezuela South America|
Venezuela South America|