Monographs Details:

Schweinfurth, Charles. 1967. Orchidaceae of the Guayana Highland. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 14: 69-214.


Distribution and Ecology - VENEZUELA. Bolivar: Cerro Guaiquinima, Rio Pardgua, rare at damp shaded base of second escarpment, 1000 m alt., flowers greenish white, December 21, 1951, B. Maguire 32733; Chimantd Massif, western slopes of Chimanta-tepui (Torono-tepui), on densely forested slopes along trail from Base Camp to Bluff Camp, 1100-1700 m alt., among mossy boulders, leaves membranaceous, rich green above and paler beneath, rachis angled, pale green, pedicels ascending, greenish white, sepals and petals greenish white with thickened incurved pale green margins, spur descending, greenish white. May 30-31, 1953, J. A. Steyermark 75606; Chimanta Massif, southeast portion of Apacara-tepui, on densely forested slopes between the upper reaches of Rio Tirica (left-hand fork) and Riscobel Ledema Camp, 1700-1850 m alt., leaves membranaceous, dull green above, graygreen to bluish green beneath, bracts dull pale green, sepals twisted, pale green, petals pale green, lip hood-shaped, pale green with two whitish porrect protuberances, spur pale green, June 23, 1953, Steyermark 75968. MEXICO (type of Habenaria odontopetala) and Central America to COSTA RICA and the West Indies.


Habenaria odontopetala Reichb. f., Linnaea 18: 407. 1844.


Venezuela South America| Mexico North America| Central America| Costa Rica South America| West Indies|