Monographs Details:

Maguire, Bassett. 1969. The botany of the Guayana Highland-part VIII. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 18: 1-290.


Species Description - Arbor 15-metralis, ramulis juvenihbus inflorescentibusque hirsuto-tomentosis, pilis fulvis dibrachiatis usque ad 2 mm longis; ramuli foliaque demum glabri; ramuli fere teretes; folia elliptica vel obovata, circa duplo longiora quam latiora, acuminata, petiolata, nervo medio supra impresso; flores spicati, spicis binis subflexuosis 2-3.5 cm longis, circa 20-floris, e ramuli fohosi nodo (bracteato) infimo oriundis; bracteae ovatae, subglabrae, 9-11 mm longae; flores sessiles, supra spicae medium ad nodos 2-3 aggregati; alabastra 2-2.5 mm longa, obovoidea, breve apiculata; stamina circa SO; petala ut videtur nulla; ovarium biloculare, locuhs biovulatis tree 15 m high, 20 cm in diam, the young growth and the inflorescence hirsutetomentose with ascending but tangled yellowish-brown hairs 1.5-2 mm long, these overlying shorter, paler hairs; longer hairs basifixed or branched very near the base, the shorter hairs evidently dibrachiate; mature foliage glabrous or nearly so; branchlets nearly terete; leaves elliptic-obovate, 6-10 cm long, 3-5 cm wide, about twice as long as wide, rather abruptly sharp-acuminate, acute at base, the margins decurrent on the inner angles of the petiole 1.3-1.5 mm thick, 5-8 mm long; midvein impressed above; lateral veins 20 or more on each side including numerous intermediates, nearly straight, slightly ascending; marginal vein similar to the lateral ones and but slightly arched between them, 1-1.5 mm from the margin; upper leaf-surface at maturity finely dark-dotted, the lower eglandular or nearly so; inflorescence (known only from the type, which is in bud) consisting of a pair of flexuous spikes 2-3.5 cm long, opposite at the lowest (bracteate) node of a new leafy axillary shoot; bracts ovate, keeled, 9-11 mm long, 4-6 mm wide, sparingly pubescent with appressed rufous dibrachiate hairs 0.3 mm long; paired panicle-branches (spikes) each about 20-flowered, the flowers sessile in clusters of 5 or more at the tip and at 1-2 nodes at the middle or above; buds (after removal of the hairs which entirely obscure the surface features) obovoid, 2-2.5 mm long, short-apiculate, gradually narrowed to a thick base; hypanthium prolonged about 1 mm beyond the summit of the ovary; stamens about 50; petals apparently none; ovary bilocular, with 2 ascending ovules in each locule.


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