Monographs Details:

Maguire, Bassett. 1984. The Botany of the Guyana Highland - Part XII. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 38: 1-84.

Scientific Name:


Genus Description - Rhizomes very long-creeping, filiform to wiry, the fronds scattered, or the rhizomes ascending or erect, mostly wiry, often with adherent adventitious roots, the fronds clustered. Laminae minute to moderate-sized, subcircular to more typically oblong, ovate, or lanceolate, simple to 5-pinnate, with narrow to wide segments, usually 1 cell thick between the veins, glabrous or bearing minute, simple, forked, or rarely stellate hairs; stipes and rachises terete or adaxially flattened, sometimes obsolete, usually wiry, exalate or partially or entirely alate; venation free (except for false, transverse or parallel veins in s o m e species), pinnate or in a few species flabellate; sori terminal on fronds or pinnae or lateral on pinnae, always at the ends of veins, the indusial involucres conical to tubular, truncate or with slightly to greatly flaring lips, the receptacle setiform and commonly exserted.


Lectotype. Trichomanes crispum L., chosen by Underwood (1899, p. 283), according to Pichi Sermolli (1981). T h e principal valid reason for overturning John Smith's (1875, p. 347) earlier lectotype appears to be to preserve the name Vandenboschia Copel., which is in c o m m o n use by those w h o divide Trichomanes into m a n y genera.