Monographs Details:

Maguire, Bassett & Wurdack, John J. 1964. The botany of the Guayana Highland--Part V. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 10: 1-278.


Distribution and Ecology - Distribution. Aromatic trees, growing at varying altitudes along the Rio Negro and its tributaries in Brazil and Colombia (possibly in the Cordillera Macarena), and along tributaries of the Rio Orinoco in Bolivar, Venezuela. VENEZUELA. Bolivar occasional along Rio Parguaza near Randal Maraca (about 110 river km from mouth), Wurdack & Monachino 41043 (fr. NY). COLOMBIA. Comisaria del Vaupes: riberas del Rio Inirida (longit. 69°45' W.), sitio "Raudal Alto" o Mariapiri, margen derecha (en la orilla del rio), A. Fernandez 2105 (fr. US) ; orillas del Rio Macaya, Gutierrez V. & Schultes 640 (fr. A). Comisaria del Vichada: Romero C. 1263 (fr. US). Intendencia del Meta: Cordillera La Macarena (extremo nordeste), macizo Renjifo, faldas orientales, Idrobo & Schultes 842 (fr. F), dense forest. Central Mountains, Approach Ridge, PhiUpson d: Idrobo 1819 (fr. BM, NY).


Aydendron panurense Meissner in DC. Prodr. 15: 89. 1864.

Type. Prope Panure ad Rio Uaupes, Amazonas, Brazil, Spruce 2603 (isotype, fl. NY).

This species was combined in synonymy under the widespread Aniba firmula (Nees) Mez by Kostermans. It is possible that the two are conspecific; if so, perhaps A. muca (R. & P.) Mez from Peru is also a manifestation of the same taxon, as he has suggested. Until a detailed consideration of more material from the latter area is at hand, I believe that all three should be maintained as separate species. The type of A. firmida, based on Sellow's collection from lower Brazil, appears, as does other material examined from this region, to be more consistently pubescent in the inflorescence which is usually more robust, the leaves in general being smaller, with a tendency in some instances to be broader. These represent a more or less homogeneous assemblage, different in aspect from the specimens from Amazonian and northern regions. The above-mentioned characteristics obtain in the main for the Gardner and Glaziou numbers cited by Mez as well as specimens of A. laevigatum (Meissner) Mez, included by Kostermans under A. firmula. With the exception of A. panurensis, these may well be conspecific with the latter.


Venezuela South America| Colombia South America|