Smith, Albert C. 1952. Plants collected in Ecuador by W. H. camp. Vaceiniaceae. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 8 (1): 41-85.
Distribution and Ecology - [Colombia: Narino: Near Chiles, Camp E-34L] Carchi: Camp E-297, E-298, E-313-E-317 inch, E-333. Pichincha: Camp E-1704, E-1714. Leon: CampE-2351. Canar: Camp E-1796. Azuay: Camp E-384, E-389, E-463, E-1641, E-2063, E-2140, E-2264, E-5174. E-5243, s. n.; F. Prieto P-236A, P-236B, P-269, P-311. Loja: Camp E-95, E-272.
The specimens cited above, which give an excellent picture of the degree of variation in typical V. floribundum in Ecuador, are accompanied by notes too extensive to be given here. In brief, the plant was found at elevations of 7,500 to 12,000 ft.; it was noted as a shrub up to 2 m. (or rarely as much as 3-5 m.)high, often low, spreading, or prostrate on paramos, in small or extensive colonies, with underground burls up to 10 cm. in diameter; leaves deep green above, paler beneath, dull on both sides or subnitid above; hypanthium green to purplish, or suffused with pink, sometimes subglaucous, the calyx-lobes sometimes red; corolla usually bright pink to red, sometimes white tinged with pink; fruit blue to black, glaucous or not.
The varieties of V. floribundum accepted by Sleumer (Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin 13: 129-132. 1936) seem of very questionable value, being based on size and shape of leaves. However, I have attempted to arrange the present collections in these varieties. Those cited above fall into the typical variety as interpreted by Sleumer. It may be noted that nos. 389, 2264, 5243, and s. n. represent the form which Blake has described as V. dasygynum (which Sleumer reduces outright to typical V. floribundum), of which the calyx is pubescent.