Mickel, John T. & Smith, Alan R. 2004. The pteridophytes of Mexico. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 88: 1-1054.
Species Description - Stems ascending, suberect, or erect, stramineous, 3-15 cm long, 0.4-1 mm diam., not articulate, the stem apices infrequently flagelliform, stoloniferous, 2-3 times branched, branches frequently flagelliform; rhizophores restricted to proximal 1/4 or throughout stems on flagelliform plants, filiform, 0.1-0.5 mm diam.; leaves of two kinds (anisophyllous) throughout stem length; lateral leaves ovate to oblong, 1.2-3 x 0.5-2.5 mm, bases rounded to subcordate, overlapping the stems acroscopically, acroscopic margins hyaline or pale green, short-ciliate to denticulate or entire, apices acute, both surfaces glabrous, with idioblasts; median leaves distant, broadly ovate-elliptic to lanceolate, 0.7-2 x 0.4-1.4 mm, bases cuneate to subcordate or with one small auricle, margins hyaline, denticulate, apices acuminate, long-acuminate, or long-aristate, aristae 1/2 or more the lamina length, 0.2-0.7 mm long, upper surfaces glabrous with idioblasts; axillary leaves similar to lateral leaves, bases rounded; strobili lax and flattened, dorsiventral, 2-9 mm long; sporophylls dimorphic, the dorsal ones green, spreading, the ventral ones hyaline to pale green, ascending; megasporangia generally in two ventral rows or at the base of ventral rows, or infrequently absent; microsporangia in two dorsal rows, frequently also in the distal part of ventral side of strobili, or strobili wholly microsporangiate; megaspores white, sometimes yellowish with age, proximal faces granular to granular-reticulate, with reticulum of low ridges, distal faces reticulate with low to high ridges, 230- 270 µm diam.; microspores tan to orange, echinulate to baculate, 24-31 µm diam.
Diplostachium tenellum P. Beauv., Mag. Encycl. 9(5): 481. 1804. Lycopodium tenellum (P. Beauv.) Desv. ex Poir., Encycl. Suppl. 3: 553. 1814. Neotype (chosen by Proctor, 1985: 45). Puerto Rico. India occidentalis in Portorico ex Herb. Vent. [Ventenat] (P-Desv., photo BM!).
Selaginella cladorrhizans A. Braun, Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot., se´r. 5, 3: 282. 1865.
Syntypes. Venezuela. Aragua: Colonia Tovar, Fendler 324 p.p. (B, BM!, E!, F!, G!, K!, NY!, US!, YU!); Falco´n: San Carlos, Moritz 448 (B, BM!, K!).
Selaginella subcaulescens Baker, J. Bot. 22: 277. 1884. Type. Cuba. Wright 1822 (K!; isotypes B!, BM!, G!, GH!, MO!, NY!, P!, S!, YU!).
Selaginella tenella is defined here in a broad sense. It is characterized by having conspicuous idioblasts on the upper surface of the leaves and sporophylls. Traditionally, S. subcaulescens has been separated because of its suberect to erect stems, whereas S. tenella and S. cladorrhizans were thought to be mostly creeping or rarely ascending. Specimens of S. cladorrhizans from Belize and Guatemala, however, also have suberect and erect stems. A thorough examination of specimens of these three taxa throughout their ranges reveals no consistent character that separates them. Megaspores examined from S. tenella, S. subcaulescens, and S. cladorrhizans show only minor variations in exospore sculpturing and microstructure. Several additional names are synonymous with S. tenella. They include S. albonitens Spring, S. mollis Fe´e (non A. Braun), and S. sintenisii Hieron., all of the West Indies. Two other species, S. humilis Jenman and S. maracasensis O. C. Schmidt, are probably also conspecific with S. tenella; however, we have not found type material of either of these.
Mexico North America| Guatemala Central America| Belize Central America| Honduras Central America| Panama Central America| Colombia South America| Venezuela South America| Trinidad and Tobago South America| Brazil South America|