Monographs Details:

Mickel, John T. & Beitel, Joseph M. 1988. Pteridophyte Flora of Oaxaca, Mexico. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 46: 1-580.


Latin Diagnosis - Selaginellae oaxacanae similis sed ab ea foliis caulinis basi auriculato ciliatis, foliis lateralibus basi acroscopico breviter ciliatis sine striis epi-dermalibus prominulis, foliis medianis longe aristatis basi basiscopico ciliis paucis longis ob-sitis, foliisque axillaribus basi ciliatis diversa. (Dedicated to Thomas Wendt, an outstanding taxonomist, who made many critical collections of pteridophytes on the Isthmus of Tehuantepec.)

Species Description - Stems erect, 40-60 cm tall, to 3 mm diam., not articulate, not flagelliform, stoloniferous, stramineous to pale green; rhizophores restricted to base, to 1 mm diam.; leaves uniform on main stem, otherwise anisophyllous, green above, silvery beneath, glabrous, lacking epidermal streaks; leaves on stem below first branch appressed, ovate, auriculate at base, margin finely denticulate except for short to long cilia at base; lateral leaves ovate on main stems (4-6 mm long), obliquely oblong, 2.5-3 mm long on branchlets, apex bluntly acute, basiscopic margin round to auriculate at base, entire from base to apex, acroscopic margin rounded, short-ciliate at base, entire to apex; median leaves ovate, long-aristate, base cuneate, margin entire except for few, long cilia at base of basiscopic margin; axillary leaves narrowly ovate to lanceolate, acute, exauriculate, long-ciliate at base, entire to apex; strobili 1-1.5 mm wide, 3-8 mm long; sporophylls monomor-phic and of two colors (upper [median] two ranks green, lower [lateral] two ranks colorless), ascending, symmetric, with denticulate margins and narrow keel; megaspores cream-white, 210-260 µm diam., with low, narrow ridges; microspores orange-yellow.


Type. Mexico. Oaxaca: Dist. Juchitán, Sta. María Chimalapa, Congregación Nicolas Bravo, ±3-5 km S of Pob. de Río Alegre, Arroyo Chocolín, cerca del Rancho Rutt, 150 m, 29 Dec 1984, Wendt, Ishiki I. & Vera C. 4749 (NY!). The other specimens examined (NY) are from Honduras (Yuncker et al. 8820, Dept. Atlantida, Mt. Cangrejal, vie. of La Ceiba, 1000' [304 m]; Molina R. 20854, Dept. Atlantida, mountain Nombre de Dios between Saladite and San Francisco, 200 m).

Resembling S. oaxacana and S. cuneata in general habit, S. wendtii differs in its lateral, median and axillary leaves (which are ciliate at their base, lack epidermal streaks and are silvery beneath), and long-aristate median leaves. The yellow-orange microspores, exauriculate and entire-margined median leaves (except for a few long cilia) and appressed lateral stem leaves of S. wendtii distinguish it from S. mosorongensis. The characters elaborated in the key will separate S. mollis (leaves ciliate along entire margin, sporophylls ciliate, stems often flagelliform) from S. wendtii.


México Mexico North America| Honduras Central America|