Monographs Details:

Mickel, John T. & Beitel, Joseph M. 1988. Pteridophyte Flora of Oaxaca, Mexico. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 46: 1-580.


Species Description - Stems prostrate, rooting throughout, not articulate, not flagelliform, not stoloniferous, not much-branched, branches 5-10 mm apart, branches sparse, thin, ultimate branches short, 3-10 mm long; isophyllous throughout, not strongly dorsiventral; leaves bluish-grayish-green, slightly spreading (the leaf bases and stem often visible), linear-lanceolate, margin ciliate-denticulate, apex with white seta, 0.5-0.8 mm long; strobili short, 2-3 mm long, nearly round, obscure; sporophylls monomorphic, green, ascending, deltate-lanceolate, acuminate, ciliate-denticulate; megasporangia at base of strobilus; megaspores yellow to yellow-orange, with low reticulate muri; microspores orange.

Distribution and Ecology - Distribution. Dry, scrubby arroyos; Huajuapan; 1650-1700 m. Mexico (Sin, Jal, Tam, SLP, DF, Mex, Ver, Pue, Oax); Cuba; Ven & Col, to Bol & Arg. Oaxaca collection: 6654b.


Lectotype (chosen by R. Tryon, 1955: 34). Brazil. Praia de San Diego, 1821, Sello s.n. (B, frag. NY!). Selaginella sellowii is distinguished from S. wrightii and S. landii by its glabrous leaf bases and long white awn, and from S. sartorii by the less imbricate leaves, not pubescent at their base in S. sellowii.

Mexico North America|