Monographs Details:
Mickel, John T. & Beitel, Joseph M. 1988. Pteridophyte Flora of Oaxaca, Mexico. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 46: 1-580.
Mickel, John T. & Beitel, Joseph M. 1988. Pteridophyte Flora of Oaxaca, Mexico. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 46: 1-580.
Species Description - Rhizome erect; rhizome scales dark brown, lustrous, linear-lanceolate, 10-15 mm long, 2-3 mm wide, cell walls sinuous; fronds clumped; stipe 30-45 cm long, ½-3/5 the frond length, stramineous, dark brown at base, grooved, with abundant, minute, erect, pale hairs (ca. 0.1 mm long in the adaxial groove); blade 35-65 cm long, 25-40 cm wide, pinnate-pinnatifid in upper portion, lower pinnae with free pinnule at base, oblong-lanceolate; pinnae linear-lanceolate (apex acuminate), base equilateral in apical and median pinnae, truncate, basiscopically excavate in basal pinnae, cut usually 3/5-4/5 the way to the costa, stalked (2-4 mm long); lobes spreading, obtuse, serrulate, upper surface glabrous but with abundant minute erect hairs in costular grooves and rachis, lower surface with hairs especially abundant on costa and costules but scattered on laminar surface as well; veins free, veins of lobe strictly pinnate; sori 3-8 pairs per segment, indusia 2-5 mm long, 0.3-0.5 mm wide, subentire.
Species Description - Rhizome erect; rhizome scales dark brown, lustrous, linear-lanceolate, 10-15 mm long, 2-3 mm wide, cell walls sinuous; fronds clumped; stipe 30-45 cm long, ½-3/5 the frond length, stramineous, dark brown at base, grooved, with abundant, minute, erect, pale hairs (ca. 0.1 mm long in the adaxial groove); blade 35-65 cm long, 25-40 cm wide, pinnate-pinnatifid in upper portion, lower pinnae with free pinnule at base, oblong-lanceolate; pinnae linear-lanceolate (apex acuminate), base equilateral in apical and median pinnae, truncate, basiscopically excavate in basal pinnae, cut usually 3/5-4/5 the way to the costa, stalked (2-4 mm long); lobes spreading, obtuse, serrulate, upper surface glabrous but with abundant minute erect hairs in costular grooves and rachis, lower surface with hairs especially abundant on costa and costules but scattered on laminar surface as well; veins free, veins of lobe strictly pinnate; sori 3-8 pairs per segment, indusia 2-5 mm long, 0.3-0.5 mm wide, subentire.
Asplenium striatum Linnaeus, Sp. pl. 2: 1082. 1753. Type. Petiver, Pter. Amer., t. 3, f. 3, 4. 1712, which was based on Plumier, Traité foug. Amér., t. 18, 19. 1705, which was based on a collection from Martinique. Diplazium crenulatum Liebmann, Mexic. bregn. 254 (seors. 102). 1849. Syntypes. Mexico. Veracruz: Barranca de Jovo, Liebmann [Pl. Mex. 2382, Fl. Mex. 358, 787], Hac. de Mirador, Liebmann [Pl. Mex. 2665, Fl. Mex. 789], between Colipa and Misantla, Liebmann [Pl. Mex. 2383, Fl. Mex. 360, 788] (C!; isosyntypes K!). Lectotype (chosen by Lellinger, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 89: 703-732. 1977). “Between Colipa and Misantla,” Liebmann (US!; isolectotype K, frag. NY!). However, since the critical character of the basal pinnae necessary to distinguish D. striatum from D. striatastrum is missing or uncertain in the US specimen, we are relectotypifying D. crenulatum on the C specimen Liebmann [PI. Mex. 2383, FI. Mex. 360], from “between Colipa and Misantla.” Liebmann 2665 (C, photo NY!) appears to be D. striatastrum. Diplazium elongatum Fée, Mém. foug. 5: 215. 1852. Type. Mexico. Oaxaca: [Dist. Choapan,] Petlapa, Galeotti 6471 (P! photos UC, US!; isotypes BR!-4 sheets). Liebmann (1849), in naming D. crenulatum was not familiar with D. striatum, as he based his species on the fact it was pubescent on the lower laminar surface (D. striatum is abundantly pubescent on the lamina). One of his syntypes (Liebmann 2665, C, photo NY!) appears to be D. striatastrum Lellinger. Diplazium striatum is distinguishable from D. urticifolium by the former having hairs on the lamina and lower rachis surfaces in addition to the minute hairs in the adaxial groove at the costae and rachis and pinnae cut ¾ of distance to costae. Diplazium induratum also lacks the erect, minute hairs, although it does have lax hairs on the costae and veins beneath and scattered fibrillose scales at the costa and segment midrib axils. Diplazium striatastrum (q.v.) with laminar and rachis hairs like D. striatum was recently segregated from D. striatum on the basis of several characters, the most noticeable being the basal pinnules of the basal pinnae. In D. striatum, the basal pinnae are fully pinnate at their base with 1-2 free pinnules, whereas in D. striatastrum the basal pinnae resemble the median pinnae, being pinnatifid with adnate basal segments. The size differences given in the key also serve to separate the two species, but there is some overlap. More work is needed to determine the degree of relationship of D. striatastrum to D. striatum.
Asplenium striatum Linnaeus, Sp. pl. 2: 1082. 1753. Type. Petiver, Pter. Amer., t. 3, f. 3, 4. 1712, which was based on Plumier, Traité foug. Amér., t. 18, 19. 1705, which was based on a collection from Martinique. Diplazium crenulatum Liebmann, Mexic. bregn. 254 (seors. 102). 1849. Syntypes. Mexico. Veracruz: Barranca de Jovo, Liebmann [Pl. Mex. 2382, Fl. Mex. 358, 787], Hac. de Mirador, Liebmann [Pl. Mex. 2665, Fl. Mex. 789], between Colipa and Misantla, Liebmann [Pl. Mex. 2383, Fl. Mex. 360, 788] (C!; isosyntypes K!). Lectotype (chosen by Lellinger, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 89: 703-732. 1977). “Between Colipa and Misantla,” Liebmann (US!; isolectotype K, frag. NY!). However, since the critical character of the basal pinnae necessary to distinguish D. striatum from D. striatastrum is missing or uncertain in the US specimen, we are relectotypifying D. crenulatum on the C specimen Liebmann [PI. Mex. 2383, FI. Mex. 360], from “between Colipa and Misantla.” Liebmann 2665 (C, photo NY!) appears to be D. striatastrum. Diplazium elongatum Fée, Mém. foug. 5: 215. 1852. Type. Mexico. Oaxaca: [Dist. Choapan,] Petlapa, Galeotti 6471 (P! photos UC, US!; isotypes BR!-4 sheets). Liebmann (1849), in naming D. crenulatum was not familiar with D. striatum, as he based his species on the fact it was pubescent on the lower laminar surface (D. striatum is abundantly pubescent on the lamina). One of his syntypes (Liebmann 2665, C, photo NY!) appears to be D. striatastrum Lellinger. Diplazium striatum is distinguishable from D. urticifolium by the former having hairs on the lamina and lower rachis surfaces in addition to the minute hairs in the adaxial groove at the costae and rachis and pinnae cut ¾ of distance to costae. Diplazium induratum also lacks the erect, minute hairs, although it does have lax hairs on the costae and veins beneath and scattered fibrillose scales at the costa and segment midrib axils. Diplazium striatastrum (q.v.) with laminar and rachis hairs like D. striatum was recently segregated from D. striatum on the basis of several characters, the most noticeable being the basal pinnules of the basal pinnae. In D. striatum, the basal pinnae are fully pinnate at their base with 1-2 free pinnules, whereas in D. striatastrum the basal pinnae resemble the median pinnae, being pinnatifid with adnate basal segments. The size differences given in the key also serve to separate the two species, but there is some overlap. More work is needed to determine the degree of relationship of D. striatastrum to D. striatum.
Mexico North America| Brazil South America| Bolivia South America| Colombia South America| Trinidad and Tobago South America| West Indies| Costa Rica South America| Guatemala Central America|
Mexico North America| Brazil South America| Bolivia South America| Colombia South America| Trinidad and Tobago South America| West Indies| Costa Rica South America| Guatemala Central America|