Mickel, John T. & Smith, Alan R. 2004. The pteridophytes of Mexico. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 88: 1-1054.
Species Description - Rhizomes slender, creeping, mostly 2–3 mm diam., green, nearly naked at maturity; rhizome scales sparse, narrowly lanceolate-deltate with long-attenuate tips, 2–4 x 0.5–1 mm, weakly clathrate, the cells elongate, at least twice as long as wide, margins lighter colored; fronds 20–50 cm long, distant (7–15 mm apart); stipes absent or very short, 1–10 cm long, 1/20–1/5 the length of the blades; blades chartaceous, narrowly elliptic to narrowly oblanceolate, 4–6(–8) cm wide, narrowly cuneate and decurrent at bases, apices acute to long-acuminate; lime dots absent adaxially; areoles (4–)6–12 rows between midribs and margins, 1.5–3 times broader than long, excurrent veinlets usually 2 per primary areole, free, not partitioning the areoles; main lateral veins prominent, secondary veins regularly anastomosing; sori 6– 12-seriate between midribs and blade margins, in two regular rows between main lateral veins, two per primary areole.
Polypodium repens Aubl., Hist. Pl. Guiane 2: 962. 1775, non Sw., 1788. Lectotype (chosen by Proctor, 1985: 340). Plumier, Traite´ Foug. Ame´r., pl. 134, 1705, based on material from Morne Rouge, Martinique.
Polypodium fasciale Willd., Sp. Pl., ed. 4, 5(1): 156. 1810. Campyloneurum fasciale (Willd.) C. Presl, Suppl. Tent. Pterid. 190. 1836. Type. Venezuela [Edo. Monagas], Caripe, Humboldt 426 (B-Willd. 19632, fiche UC!, isotype P).
Campyloneurum repens is hardly distinguishable from C. serpentinum of Central and South America, but several specimens more nearly resemble C. repens in the broader fronds, more numerous series of sori between midribs and blade margins, and the broader, weakly bicolored rhizome scales. Campyloneurum fasciale was treated by Leo´n (1992; in Davidse et al., 1995) as the accepted name for what is here called C. serpentinum, but the type of Polypodium fasciale, from eastern Venezuela, seems indistinguishable from the many specimens of C. repens seen from that same area. More study of this group is needed.
Bolivia South America| Brazil South America| Peru South America| Ecuador South America| French Guiana South America| Suriname South America| Guyana South America| Venezuela South America| West Indies| Puerto Rico South America| Jamaica South America| Cuba South America| Panama Central America| Costa Rica South America| Nicaragua Central America| Honduras Central America| Belize Central America| Guatemala Central America| México Mexico North America|