Monographs Details:

Wurdack, John J. 1967. Plants collected in Ecuador by W. H. Camp. Melastomataceae. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 16: 1-45.


After comparison of three Camp collections (E-4132, E-4171, E-4584, all from the eastern cordillera 1-8 km north of Sevilla de Oro, Prov. A/.ua\) with authentic material (Seemann 765, GH) and with Espinosa 1553 (NY, US), I am satisfied with their accommodation in A. sclerophylla. Camp’s specimens vary in foliar pubescence, the lower surface hairs in E-4332 and E-4371 being shorter than in the other three collections. Perhaps a subspecific distinction could be made from the distinctly (5-8 mm) pedicellate flowers in the Azuay population, but there are no other floral differences. Obviously Cogniaux' petal dimensions were taken from a bud, since both Gleason’s notes on the Seemann collection (K) and the recent specimens show petals 20-24 x 13-16 mm. Several puzzling collections from southern Ecuador (Rose, Pachano, & Rose 23115; Steyermark 53451; Camp E-4790) are suggestive of hybrids between A. sclerophylla and A. macrophylla (Naud.) Triana. Vegetatively, except for the pubescence, they are like A. macrophylla. However, the young branchlets and lower leaf surfaces show a more or less caducous pubescence which is much more compact than in A. sclerophylla, thus suggesting the A. floribunda element syn-onymized by Eves but with few-flowered inflorescences and larger hypanthia. Also suggestive of hybridity, but with A. sclerophylla genes predominating, is A. pauci-flora Cogn. (Macbride photo 36210) .