Monographs Details:
Smith, Lyman B. & Downs, Robert J. 1979. Bromelioideae (Bromeliaceae). Fl. Neotrop. Monogr. 14 (3): 1493-2142. (Published by NYBG Press)
Smith, Lyman B. & Downs, Robert J. 1979. Bromelioideae (Bromeliaceae). Fl. Neotrop. Monogr. 14 (3): 1493-2142. (Published by NYBG Press)
Bromelia sphacelata Ruiz & Pav., Billbergia spacelata (Ruiz & Pav.) Schult.f., Bromelia discolor Lindl., Bromelia crassa Steud., Bromelia clandestina Carrière
Bromelia sphacelata Ruiz & Pav., Billbergia spacelata (Ruiz & Pav.) Schult.f., Bromelia discolor Lindl., Bromelia crassa Steud., Bromelia clandestina Carrière
Description - Plant stemless. Leaves to 2 m long, rosulate, the inner erect, the outer decurved; sheaths elliptic, distinct, very stiff, entire or with a few stout spines toward apex, sparsely lepidote above with coarse brown scales, more densely beneath; blades linear, attenuate to a stout spine, 30 mm wide, bright green above, paler beneath, serrate throughout with straight spreading or ascending stout brown spines 3-4 mm long becoming minute and paler upwards. Inflorescence many, lateral, subglobose, compound, many-flowered; outer bracts broadly lanceolate, brown or dark castaneous at base, attenuate into a green spine, exceeding the flowers, coarsely serrate with brown spines. Floral bracts narrower, equaling the sepals, serrulate; pedicels short but slender. Sepals lanceolate, subulate, 37-43 mm long, connate for 5-21 mm, white, brown-lepidote, carinate; petals 30-52 mm long, more than half-connate, fleshy, soon turning brown, sometimes appendaged, the blades erect; stamens equaling or slightly exceeding the petals, subexserted at anthesis, filaments highly adnate to the petals, anthers stout, 16-19 mm long; ovary 20-25 mm long, the epigynous tube lacking; ovules uniseriate. Fruit pulpy, white; seeds almost black, lacking a gelatinous coat.
Description - Plant stemless. Leaves to 2 m long, rosulate, the inner erect, the outer decurved; sheaths elliptic, distinct, very stiff, entire or with a few stout spines toward apex, sparsely lepidote above with coarse brown scales, more densely beneath; blades linear, attenuate to a stout spine, 30 mm wide, bright green above, paler beneath, serrate throughout with straight spreading or ascending stout brown spines 3-4 mm long becoming minute and paler upwards. Inflorescence many, lateral, subglobose, compound, many-flowered; outer bracts broadly lanceolate, brown or dark castaneous at base, attenuate into a green spine, exceeding the flowers, coarsely serrate with brown spines. Floral bracts narrower, equaling the sepals, serrulate; pedicels short but slender. Sepals lanceolate, subulate, 37-43 mm long, connate for 5-21 mm, white, brown-lepidote, carinate; petals 30-52 mm long, more than half-connate, fleshy, soon turning brown, sometimes appendaged, the blades erect; stamens equaling or slightly exceeding the petals, subexserted at anthesis, filaments highly adnate to the petals, anthers stout, 16-19 mm long; ovary 20-25 mm long, the epigynous tube lacking; ovules uniseriate. Fruit pulpy, white; seeds almost black, lacking a gelatinous coat.
The edible fruit is sold in the market in Puerto Montt, Llanquihue, and tastes like apple.
The edible fruit is sold in the market in Puerto Montt, Llanquihue, and tastes like apple.
Chile South America| Concepcion Chile South America|
Chile South America| Concepcion Chile South America|
Common Names: