Monographs Details:

Moguel Velázquez, Ana L. & Kessler, Michael. 2013. Grammitid ferns (Polypodiaceae). III. . Fl. Neotrop. Monogr. 113: 1--68. (Published by NYBG Press)


Polypodium longum C.Chr., Ctenopteris longa (C.Chr.) Copel., Xiphopteris longa (C.Chr.) Alston, Terpsichore longa (C.Chr.) A.R.Sm., Terpsichore acrosora A.Rojas

Species Description - Plants epiphytic; rhizomes 0.5-2.0 cm long, short-creeping to suberect, radially symmetric, scaly and setose, the setae simple, golden-orange, up to 3 mm long, the scales linear-lanceolate, castaneous, concolorous, shiny, 0.5-1.5 x 0.2-0.3 mm, setulate and sometimes also puberulent, the setae present on scale margins, yellow to castaneous, mostly shorter than the width of the scales, 0.1-0.2(-0.4) mm long, the hairs 0.05-0.10 mm long, simple, and turgid on scale margins and 0.1-0.2 mm long, branched, and turgid on apices; fronds 20-110 x 4-9 cm, caespitose, pendulous with indeterminate growth; stipes 1.5-2.0 cm x 0.4-0.6 mm, castaneous to dark brown, with simple, yellow to golden-orange, 0.5-3.5 mm long setae and with simple or branched, hyaline to yellow, 0.1-0.3 mm long hairs; blades linear-lanceolate, pinnatisect, thin-chartaceous, gradually tapering at both ends, sometimes with up to 5 reduced segment pairs at the bases; rachises sclerenchymatous, dark brown to black, moderately densely covered with simple, abaxially also bifurcate and scattered stellate, 3- to 6-branched, hyaline to golden-orange, 0.5-3.5 mm long setae, puberulent like the stipes; pinnae 2-4 x 0.8-1.2 cm, deltate to linear-deltate, perpendicular to the rachises, alternate, symmetric at the bases, % to entirely adnate, apices acute, margins setose, the setae simple, hyaline to golden-orange, bifurcate and stellate, 3(-4)-branched, 0.5-3.5 mm long; sinuses 1-11mm wide; veins free, 1-furcate, ending inframedially to submarginally, obscure or conspicuous and black; blade surfaces adaxially and abaxially moderately densely covered with simple, hyaline to yellow, 0.3—2.0 mm long setae and simple or branched, hyaline to yellow, 0.1-0.3 mm long hairs; hydathodes inconspicuous, lime dots lacking; sori round, arising at the vein apices, up to 28 per pinna; receptacles not or sparsely setose; sporangia ciliate, cilia up to 0.6 mm long.


The shape of the conspicuously symmetric and acute pinnae of Alansmia longa is very characteristic of this species. The pinnae are 2-4 x 0.8-1.2 cm, deltate to linear-deltate, perpendicular to the rachises, alternate, symmetric at the bases, and 3/4 to entirely adnate to the rachis and have acute apices. This species also is characterized by having large fronds (20-110 x 4-9 cm), lacking lime dots on the hydathodes, and having a rather sparse indument of pale setae. Alansmia longa is closely related to A. semilunaris, but differs by the wider (0.8-1.2 mm); entirely adnate pinnae (vs. curved, slender, 0.5-0.9 mm wide, slightly falcate pinnae); and the larger, up to 3 mm long, pale orange rhizome scales (vs. 0.5-1.5 mm long, castaneous rhizome scales). Alansmia longa is restricted to elevations below 1200 m, whereas A. semilunaris is found at 3500-3600 m.

Colombia South America| Ecuador South America| Esmeraldas Ecuador South America| Cartago Costa Rica Central America| Heredia Costa Rica Central America| Limón Costa Rica Central America| San José Costa Rica Central America| Carchi Ecuador South America| Napo Ecuador South America| Pichincha Ecuador South America| Tungurahua Ecuador South America| Antioquia Colombia South America| Magdalena Colombia South America|