Monographs Details:
Labiak Evangelista, Paulo H. 2013. Grammitid ferns (Polypodiaceae). I.. Fl. Neotrop. Monogr. 111: 1--130. (Published by NYBG Press)
Labiak Evangelista, Paulo H. 2013. Grammitid ferns (Polypodiaceae). I.
Polypodium suprasculptum Christ, Ctenopteris suprasculpta (Christ) Copel., Grammitis suprasculpta (Christ) F.Seym.
Polypodium suprasculptum Christ, Ctenopteris suprasculpta (Christ) Copel., Grammitis suprasculpta (Christ) F.Seym.
Species Description - Plants epiphytic; fronds pendent, indeterminate; rhizome erect, radial, with ventral root insertion, scaly the scales 1.5-2 x 0.2-0.3 mm, lanceolate, the apex short-attenuate, clathrate, dark brown, glabrous or with only a single apical cilium; petiole 0.5-1 x 0 7 mm dark brown, narrowly winged, glabrescent or sparsely pubescent, the hairs ca. 0.2 mm long, appressed, 1-furcate, 3-celled, whitish; lamina to 30-40 cm long, linear-lanceolate, membranaceous, deeply pinnatisect 60-80(-90) pairs of segments, abruptly reduced at the base with 1-3 basal segments about 2/3 shorter than the median ones, the lowermost auriculiform and decur rent onto petiole base, broadest above the base but showing periodic constrictions, the apex abruptly reduced, pinnatifid, not ending in a conform or subconform segment; rachis straight, with dark sclerenchyma visible on both sides, sparsely pubescent abaxially, glabrescent adaxially, hairs ca. 0.1 mm long, appressed entire, 1- to 2-celled, whitish; segments ca. 1.5-2.5 x 0.5 cm, plane, set 60-70° to rachis, widened and asymmetric at the base, decurrent basiscopically, cuneate and lobulate acroscopically, the base attached parallel on the rachis (i.e., both sides inserted along the same radius), the lobule not overlapping the base of the next segment, the apex acute to obtuse, the margin deeply crenate on both sides, the lobules obtuse, glabrous, abaxial lamina surface glabrous or sparsely pubescent, the hairs similar to those of the rachis abaxially, adaxial lamina surface glabrous; sinuses about the same width as the segments; venation pinnate, with 5—7(—8) pairs of veins per segment; costae with blackish sclerenchyma obscured by laminar tissue on both sides, sparsely pubescent abaxially, the hairs similar to those of the rachis abaxially, glabrous adaxially; veins simple, without blackish sclerenchyma, ending in hydathodes without calcareous deposits; sori medial, rounded, often protruding beyond the costa and margin, up to 7 pairs per segment, deeply sunken; sporangial capsules glabrous.
Species Description - Plants epiphytic; fronds pendent, indeterminate; rhizome erect, radial, with ventral root insertion, scaly the scales 1.5-2 x 0.2-0.3 mm, lanceolate, the apex short-attenuate, clathrate, dark brown, glabrous or with only a single apical cilium; petiole 0.5-1 x 0 7 mm dark brown, narrowly winged, glabrescent or sparsely pubescent, the hairs ca. 0.2 mm long, appressed, 1-furcate, 3-celled, whitish; lamina to 30-40 cm long, linear-lanceolate, membranaceous, deeply pinnatisect 60-80(-90) pairs of segments, abruptly reduced at the base with 1-3 basal segments about 2/3 shorter than the median ones, the lowermost auriculiform and decur rent onto petiole base, broadest above the base but showing periodic constrictions, the apex abruptly reduced, pinnatifid, not ending in a conform or subconform segment; rachis straight, with dark sclerenchyma visible on both sides, sparsely pubescent abaxially, glabrescent adaxially, hairs ca. 0.1 mm long, appressed entire, 1- to 2-celled, whitish; segments ca. 1.5-2.5 x 0.5 cm, plane, set 60-70° to rachis, widened and asymmetric at the base, decurrent basiscopically, cuneate and lobulate acroscopically, the base attached parallel on the rachis (i.e., both sides inserted along the same radius), the lobule not overlapping the base of the next segment, the apex acute to obtuse, the margin deeply crenate on both sides, the lobules obtuse, glabrous, abaxial lamina surface glabrous or sparsely pubescent, the hairs similar to those of the rachis abaxially, adaxial lamina surface glabrous; sinuses about the same width as the segments; venation pinnate, with 5—7(—8) pairs of veins per segment; costae with blackish sclerenchyma obscured by laminar tissue on both sides, sparsely pubescent abaxially, the hairs similar to those of the rachis abaxially, glabrous adaxially; veins simple, without blackish sclerenchyma, ending in hydathodes without calcareous deposits; sori medial, rounded, often protruding beyond the costa and margin, up to 7 pairs per segment, deeply sunken; sporangial capsules glabrous.
The main features that characterize Lellingeria suprasculpta are its glabrous rhizome scales, segments with conspicuously crenate margins, and deeply sunken son. The lamina sometimes appears to be completely pinnate, but close inspection reveals a continuous wing formed by the basiscopic side of the segment t at is decurrent onto the rachis. This last feature also is found in L. melanotrichia, which is distinct in having ciliate rhizome scales and segments with deeply incised (pinnatisect) margins.
The main features that characterize Lellingeria suprasculpta are its glabrous rhizome scales, segments with conspicuously crenate margins, and deeply sunken son. The lamina sometimes appears to be completely pinnate, but close inspection reveals a continuous wing formed by the basiscopic side of the segment t at is decurrent onto the rachis. This last feature also is found in L. melanotrichia, which is distinct in having ciliate rhizome scales and segments with deeply incised (pinnatisect) margins.
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Chiriquí Panamá Central America| Alajuela Costa Rica Central America| Cartago Costa Rica Central America| Heredia Costa Rica Central America| San José Costa Rica Central America|