Monographs Details:

Henderson, A. & Galeano, Gloria A. 1996. , , and (Palmae). Fl. Neotrop. Monogr. 72: 1-90. (Published by NYBG Press)

Scientific Name:


Euterpe, Martinezia, Oreodoxa, Acrista

Genus Description - Stems short to moderate-sized, cespitose or rarely solitary, erect or occasionally procumbent. Leaves pinnate or sometimes the blade simple; sheaths open and not forming a crownshaft, or occasionally partly closed and forming a partial crownshaft; petiole short to elongate, concave adaxially, rounded abaxially; rachis ridged adaxially, rounded or flat abaxially; pinnae few to many, usually linear-lanceolate, with several lateral veins either side of midvein, horizontally spreading, or sometimes the blade simple. Inflorescences branched to one order or rarely spicate, corymbose, rarely racemose, protandrous, interfoliar, rarely infrafoliar, erect or arching at anthesis; peduncle often elongate, longer than the rachis, usually terete; prophyll shorter than the peduncular bract, usually persistent; peduncular bract coriaceous, usually persistent; rachillae sparsely tomentose; rachillae white at anthesis and becoming red in fruit; flowers in triads; staminate flowers asymmetrical; sepals free, briefly imbricate basally; petals free, valvate; stamens 6; filaments inflexed at the apex; anthers dorsifixed, sagittate; pistillate flowers with sepals free, broadly imbricate; petals free, broadly imbricate, briefly valvate apically; staminodes 6; gynoecium unilocular, uniovulate; ovule laterally attached; fruits globose, the stigmatic remains subapical; seeds with basal embryo; raphe branches reticulate; hilum elongate; embryo basal; endosperm ruminate or rarely homogeneous; eophyll bifid or pinnate. Pollen grains monosulcate, elliptic to broadly oblong in polar view. Size (Thanikaimoni, 1970): L = 32-54 µm; 1 = 18-38 µm; h = 15-25 µm. Aperture elliptical, about equal in length to the longest axis (L). Exine tectate-perforate to reticulate, without processes. Lumina rounded, elongate or irregular in shape, 0.08-0.2 µm (to 0.33 in P. schultzeana) (Figs. 5D, 6A, B).


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