Monographs Details:

Kubitzki, K. & Renner, Susanne S. 1982. Lauraceae I (Aniba and Aiouea). Fl. Neotrop. Monogr. 31: 1-125. (Published by NYBG Press)


Aydendron robustum Klotzsch & H.Karst., Aniba cicatricosa C.K.Allen

Species Description - Tree to 15 m; branchlets stout, 5-6 mm thick, rusty-tomentellous, lenticellate, glabrescent; terminal bud tomentellous, ca. 1 cm long. Leaves clustered at end of branchlets, rigid-coriaceous, obovate-elliptical or obovate-lanceolate, 2.3-4 times longer than wide, 13-21 x 3.5-8 cm, acute towards base, abruptly rounded at base, margin flat or subrevolute, apex obtuse, rounded or obtusely and shortly acuminate, glabrous, midrib and nerves flat or impressed above, pilosulous along midrib, otherwise glabrous, midrib and nerves prominent, reticulate veins prominulous beneath, nerves patent, 8-12 per side, arcuately fused near margin; petioles robust, 2.5-3 mm thick, canaliculate, glabrescent, 0.7-1 cm long. Panicles subterminal, numerous, robust, many-flowered, rusty-tomentellous, to 15(-25) cm long. Flowers rusty-tomentellous, 4 x 2.5-3 mm; floral tube (sub-)glabrous inside; pedicels 1-2 mm long; tepals erect, broadly ovate, equal, inside glabrous, outer ones at margin ciliate, inner ones at base fimbriate, ca. 1.5 x 1.6 mm; stamens ca. 2 mm long, outer ones with papillose connectives protruding between the small cells and with pilose, narrowed filaments, inner ones with broad, obtuse anthers and glands inserted at middle of pilose filaments; staminodes stipitiform, small, pilose; pistil ca. 2.2 mm long, glabrous, with stipitate ovary and massive style as long as ovary; stigma minute. Berry ellipsoid, to 2.5 x 1.2 cm wide; cupule red, with small brown warts, infundibuliform, irregularly incised at margin, to 1.5 x 1.8 cm.


Although the type of A. cicatricosa comes from the same locality as that of A. robusta, the latter name was overlooked by Allen because it had been erroneously merged into the synonymy of A. desertorum by Kostermans (1938b). This species sometimes has been mistaken as A. bracteata, which in fact does not occur in South America.

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