Filed As:
Licania humilis Cham. & Schltdl.
Licania humilis Cham. & Schltdl.
Common Names:
"Farinha sêca do cerrado"
"Farinha sêca do cerrado"
Brazil. Mato Grosso. Close to base Camp of the Expedition. C. 270 km. N. of Xavantina on the Xavantina - Sâo Felix road.
Brazil. Mato Grosso. Close to base Camp of the Expedition. C. 270 km. N. of Xavantina on the Xavantina - Sâo Felix road.
Bushy tree, 5m tall, with widely spreading boughs. Trunk 60 cm in girth 1 m above ground level. Flowers pale green. Phenology of specimen: Flower.
Bushy tree, 5m tall, with widely spreading boughs. Trunk 60 cm in girth 1 m above ground level. Flowers pale green. Phenology of specimen: Flower.
In cerrado formation on very sandy soil.
In cerrado formation on very sandy soil.
NY Barcode: 00835877
GUID: 658c2cfd-a6d5-44fe-b28c-8165b90ffcb0
NY Barcode: 00835877
GUID: 658c2cfd-a6d5-44fe-b28c-8165b90ffcb0
Coordinates: (-12.9, -51.87)
Coordinates: (-12.9, -51.87)