Filed As:
Dicliptera sexangularis (L.) Juss.
Dicliptera sexangularis (L.) Juss.
Virgin Islands (U.S.). Saint John. Lameshur Bay; VIERS grounds, behind dorms.
Virgin Islands (U.S.). Saint John. Lameshur Bay; VIERS grounds, behind dorms.
Collection Notes: Open disturbed area. Subshrub or erect herb, 1-1.2 m. tall; one main stem with secondary decussate branches. Calyx green; corolla orange red with exerted stamens; fruits turning green to straw-colored.
Specimen Notes: herbarium distribution: COL, F, JBSD, MICH, NY, TEX, UPR, US
Collection Notes: Open disturbed area. Subshrub or erect herb, 1-1.2 m. tall; one main stem with secondary decussate branches. Calyx green; corolla orange red with exerted stamens; fruits turning green to straw-colored.
Specimen Notes: herbarium distribution: COL, F, JBSD, MICH, NY, TEX, UPR, US
GUID: d98199eb-ed6c-40cd-9daf-88aecd223fc1
GUID: d98199eb-ed6c-40cd-9daf-88aecd223fc1