Filed As:
Banara guianensis Aubl.
Banara guianensis Aubl.
Peru. Madre de Dios. Los Amigos field station, on the Madre de Dios River near mouth of the Los Amigos River. Carretera Trail, on SSE part of trail descending from Los Amigos center. Alt. 270 m. (886 ft.)
Peru. Madre de Dios. Los Amigos field station, on the Madre de Dios River near mouth of the Los Amigos River. Carretera Trail, on SSE part of trail descending from Los Amigos center. Alt. 270 m. (886 ft.)
Treelet, 3 m tall. Scattered in old guava plantation now used for pasture. Infructescences pendent, fruits green. Collections from several different plants. [Photos, DNA].
Treelet, 3 m tall. Scattered in old guava plantation now used for pasture. Infructescences pendent, fruits green. Collections from several different plants. [Photos, DNA].
NY Barcode: 694892
GUID: dc8dd8b5-8285-4eda-848e-34bcafc6e0e1
NY Barcode: 694892
GUID: dc8dd8b5-8285-4eda-848e-34bcafc6e0e1
Coordinates: (-12.5692, -76.1111)
Coordinates: (-12.5692, -76.1111)