Filed As:
Psammisia graebneriana Hoerold
Psammisia graebneriana Hoerold
Ecuador. Imbabura. Road to Apuela, 33-34.5 km W of Cotacachi. Alt. 2800 - 2900 m. (9186 - 9514 ft.)
Ecuador. Imbabura. Road to Apuela, 33-34.5 km W of Cotacachi. Alt. 2800 - 2900 m. (9186 - 9514 ft.)
terrestrial, arching shrub, branches to 1.5 m. pedicel calyx and corolla tube orange; corolla linb and lobes white;immature fruits green. Phenology of specimen: Flower.
terrestrial, arching shrub, branches to 1.5 m. pedicel calyx and corolla tube orange; corolla linb and lobes white;immature fruits green. Phenology of specimen: Flower.
disturbed cloud forest along road. one plant seen in flower.
disturbed cloud forest along road. one plant seen in flower.
GUID: 067fd34f-b525-465b-acc9-01247e63e127
GUID: 067fd34f-b525-465b-acc9-01247e63e127
Related Objects:
Specimen - 170005, J. L. Luteyn 15162, Psammisia graebneriana Hoerold, Ericaceae (261.0), Magnoliophyta; South America, Ecuador, Imbabura
Specimen - 170005, J. L. Luteyn 15162, Psammisia graebneriana Hoerold, Ericaceae (261.0), Magnoliophyta; South America, Ecuador, Imbabura
Coordinates: (0.37, -78.45)
Coordinates: (0.37, -78.45)