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Psammisia guianensis Klotzsch
Psammisia guianensis Klotzsch
Ecuador. Napo. Cantón Quijos, along road to Sierra Azul, ca. 1-3 km from the Baeza-Cosanga road. Alt. 1950 - 2000 m. (6398 - 6562 ft.)
Ecuador. Napo. Cantón Quijos, along road to Sierra Azul, ca. 1-3 km from the Baeza-Cosanga road. Alt. 1950 - 2000 m. (6398 - 6562 ft.)
Terrestrial shrub, branches to 2.5 m long. Pedicel and calyx bright, dark orange. Corolla bright orange, but white at constricted throat and lobes. Locally abundant. [Pickled].
Terrestrial shrub, branches to 2.5 m long. Pedicel and calyx bright, dark orange. Corolla bright orange, but white at constricted throat and lobes. Locally abundant. [Pickled].
Disturbed premontane forest and wet pasture edges. Locally abundant.
Disturbed premontane forest and wet pasture edges. Locally abundant.
Specimen Notes: see NY barcode 298754
Specimen Notes: see NY barcode 298754
NY Barcode: 298753
GUID: 3c18739c-8afe-427a-8e5c-f0ce56240763
NY Barcode: 298753
GUID: 3c18739c-8afe-427a-8e5c-f0ce56240763
Related Objects:
Specimen - 298754, J. L. Luteyn 15345, Psammisia guianensis Klotzsch, Ericaceae (261.0), Magnoliophyta; South America, Ecuador, Napo
Specimen - 298754, J. L. Luteyn 15345, Psammisia guianensis Klotzsch, Ericaceae (261.0), Magnoliophyta; South America, Ecuador, Napo
Coordinates: (-0.58, -77.85)
Coordinates: (-0.58, -77.85)