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Bactris rhaphidacantha Wess.Boer
All Determinations:

Bactris rhaphidacantha Wess.Boer det. B. Wallnöfer, Dec 1997


French Guiana. Saint-Laurent-du-Maroni. Saül and vicinity: W-WSW of Saül; south-side of summit of the northwestern peak of Mont Galbao. Alt. 720 m. (2362 ft.)

B. Wallnöfer 13511 with J.Tarin, 13 Nov 1997

Single-stemmed plant, ca. 2 m tall; trunk grey, densely covered with leaf-scars, up to the leaves and infructescences 0.93 m tall, 6.5 cm in diameter; leaves (including petiole) up to 2.6 m long; petioles 0.4-0.6 m long, with a 0,3 m long furrow adaxially, quite densely covered with patent, black spines abaxially; longest spines up to 10 cm long; leaf sheaths very short; leaf bases deltoid enlarged, 4 cm wide; rachis in cross-section quadrangular, with two diagonally opposite edges in the same plane as leaflets, the latter ones are inserted on the two adaxial flanks; all leaflets in the same plane; two infructescences present in the axils of living leaves; sphatae pendent, brown, covered with black bristles; fruits dark green, densely crowded, covered with darker bristles. Phenology of specimen: Flower.

Montane tropical moist forest. Primary.

Specimen Notes: 5 photographs taken

NY Barcode: 01204342
GUID: 0f6dcb83-4bea-48ed-9447-dab8324cf73f

Coordinates: (3.6133, -53.2914)


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