Filed As:
Chusquea bambusoides (Raddi) Hack.
Chusquea bambusoides (Raddi) Hack.
All Determinations:
Chusquea bambusoides (Raddi) Hack. det. A. C. da Mota, 2012
Chusquea oxylepis (Hack.) Ekman det. L. G. Clark, 2005
Chusquea bambusoides (Raddi) Hack. det. A. C. da Mota, 2012
Chusquea oxylepis (Hack.) Ekman det. L. G. Clark, 2005
Brazil. Bahia. Jussari Mun. Fazenda Serra do Teimoso, Reserva Serra do Teimoso. Near top of mountain, in area near source of the Riberao da Bica. Alt. 750 - 850 m. (2461 - 2789 ft.)
Brazil. Bahia. Jussari Mun. Fazenda Serra do Teimoso, Reserva Serra do Teimoso. Near top of mountain, in area near source of the Riberao da Bica. Alt. 750 - 850 m. (2461 - 2789 ft.)
W. W. Thomas 13334 with A. M. Amorim, S. Sant'Ana, J. L. Paixao & R. N. Querino, 15 Mar 2003
W. W. Thomas 13334 with A. M. Amorim, S. Sant'Ana, J. L. Paixao & R. N. Querino, 15 Mar 2003
Scandent, small bamboo; culms emerging from an area of ca 0.5 x 0.5 m. Phenology of specimen: Sterile.
Scandent, small bamboo; culms emerging from an area of ca 0.5 x 0.5 m. Phenology of specimen: Sterile.
Southern Bahian wet forest.
Southern Bahian wet forest.
NY Barcode: 00924120
GUID: 5909aa3d-f96a-4741-b81f-5307f13474d0
NY Barcode: 00924120
GUID: 5909aa3d-f96a-4741-b81f-5307f13474d0
Coordinates: (-15.0956, -39.5425)
Coordinates: (-15.0956, -39.5425)