Filed As:
Ichnanthus pallens (Sw.) Munro ex Benth. var. pallens
Ichnanthus pallens (Sw.) Munro ex Benth. var. pallens
All Determinations:
Ichnanthus pallens (Sw.) Munro ex Benth. var. pallens
Ichnanthus axillaris (Nees) Hitchc. & Chase det. D. Simpson, May 1977
Ichnanthus pallens (Sw.) Munro ex Benth. var. pallens
Ichnanthus axillaris (Nees) Hitchc. & Chase det. D. Simpson, May 1977
Peru. San Martín. Mariscal Cáceres Prov. Dtto. Tocache Nuevo. Camino al Pueblo Viejo de Tocache.
Peru. San Martín. Mariscal Cáceres Prov. Dtto. Tocache Nuevo. Camino al Pueblo Viejo de Tocache.
Hierba de 25-30 cm. Flores blancas, brácteas verde. Las Láminas de las hojas son de color verde amarillenta y onduladas. Phenology of specimen: Fertile.
Hierba de 25-30 cm. Flores blancas, brácteas verde. Las Láminas de las hojas son de color verde amarillenta y onduladas. Phenology of specimen: Fertile.
A orilla de la quebrada terreno arenoso y bosque alto.
A orilla de la quebrada terreno arenoso y bosque alto.
NY Barcode: 641457
GUID: e6dd9cad-06e2-4ed1-9618-667ddb72e092
NY Barcode: 641457
GUID: e6dd9cad-06e2-4ed1-9618-667ddb72e092
Georeferencing Method: Georeferencing Quick Reference Guide, Version 2012 (Coordinates of midpoint were calculated as the center point along road between Tocache and Puebol Viejo. Linear extent was calculated as halved distance between the city centers (36000 m). Uncertainty radius was determined using the MaNIS Georef. Calc.)
Coordinate Uncertainty(m): 36012
Geodetic Datum: WGS84
Coordinates: (-8.42078, -76.752)
Georeferencing Method: Georeferencing Quick Reference Guide, Version 2012 (Coordinates of midpoint were calculated as the center point along road between Tocache and Puebol Viejo. Linear extent was calculated as halved distance between the city centers (36000 m). Uncertainty radius was determined using the MaNIS Georef. Calc.)
Coordinate Uncertainty(m): 36012
Geodetic Datum: WGS84
Coordinates: (-8.42078, -76.752)