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Ficus banahaensis Elmer
All Determinations:

Ficus banahaensis Elmer


Philippines. Todaya (Mt Apo), District of Davao, Island of Mindanao, Mount Calelan. Alt. 1448m. (4751 ft.)

A. D. E. Elmer

Small trees; stem 6 inches thick, 18 feet high, only sparingly branched above the middle; wood light, soft, odorless and tasteless: bark grayish or mottled, brown on the branches: branches divaricately spreading, sparingly rebranched; 1/2 inch thick, the tips subrect: leaves terminally clustered, ascendingly spreading from the suberect brownish subterete petioles, flat only the tips recurved, subcoriaceous, paler green beneath, the veins beneath yellowish green; figs clustered immediately beneath the foliage, upon yellowish green more or less angular and apically thickened peduncles, obvoidly globose, with a sunken apex, lemon yellow; "Banacal:".

in steep places along a forested ridge.

Specimen Notes: [Record databased by volunteers in the DIGIVOL Crowdsourcing Platform. Imported to NYBG database in 2024.]

NY Barcode: 04374047
GUID: 8f850806-0246-4f1c-ae25-a14e7afe175b

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