Filed As:

Licania kunthiana Hook.f.
All Determinations:

Licania kunthiana Hook.f. det. G. T. Prance, Aug 1986

Common Names:


Brazil. Bahia. Cairu Mun. Km 14 da Rodovia Nilo Peçanha/Cairu. Entrada do ramal para os povoados de Torrinha e Tapuias.

L. A. Mattos Silva 1984 with T. S. dos Santos, 22 Nov 1985

Arvore, 12 m x 25 cm. Flores esverdeadas. Phenology of specimen: Flower.

Mata associada a Piacaval (Piacaveira: Attalea funifera Mart.). Solo sílico-argiloso.

NY Barcode: 378473
GUID: 3e5399bc-9318-4df7-80ae-1f6c80b4a18f

Georeferencing Method: Georeferencing Quick Reference Guide, Version 2012 (Georeferenced to the entrance to the unnamed side-road which branches off from BA 884 (Rodovia Nilo Peçanha/Cairu) at approximately 14 km from the town of Nilo Peçanha, and then heads E towards the settlements of Torrinha and Tapuias, in Mun. Cairu, Bahia. Using Google Maps - Satellite View, located the towns of Nilo Peçanha and Cairu, and the road that links them BA 884. Using Wikimapia, located the settlement of Torrinhas (-13.5684882, -39.0006065) and using, located the town of Tapuias (-13.566667, -38.983333). Using Google Maps - Satellite View again, found the unnamed side-road that branches off from BA 884 heading in the direction of Tapuias and Torrinhas, and using Distance Measurement Tool (Google Maps), confirmed that this intersection is located approximately 14 km along BA 884 from the town of Nilo Peçanha (not exactly 14 km, but within the appropriate margin of uncertainty attributable to the degree of detail of that instruction, 1934 m). Using Canadensys Lat Long Crosshairs, found coordinates (final) for the approximate geographic center of the intersection between BA 884 and the specified unnamed side-road. Using Distance Measurement Tool (Google Maps), found the linear extent by measuring from the selected coordinates at the center of the intersection to the farthest extent of the intersection (measurements are approximate because of the poor resolution of satellite images of this area, and the small size of the roads in question). Input coordinates, linear extent (30.9803 m), and measurement error (0.5 m) into the MaNIS Georeferencing Calculator to find the uncertainty radius (according to the Georeferencing Quick Reference Guide, Named Place: Junction, Intersection, Crossing).)
Coordinate Uncertainty(m): 33.049
Geodetic Datum: WGS84
Coordinates: (-13.5599, -39.047)


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